Chapter 5

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Hi! Author here. Just wanted to note that the later scene with the "small gazebo" is meant to look similar to the attached picture. Just a reference picture to show the rough layout and coloring.


Third person POV...


Klaus walks up the front steps, pausing for a moment before he knocks on the dainty old white front door of the Forbes house, and then he takes a step back. After a brief pause, Caroline answers the door, wearing light washed jeans shorts and a black tank top.

"Hi, Klaus! Come on in," she says eagerly as she holds the door open, ushering him in.

As he steps into the breezeway, he look around at all the antique decorations around the house. Not much had changed since the last time he had stepped into the house nearly half a century ago. It appeared Liz Forbes was a creature of habit, leaving the place nearly identical to the way her mother and father had it.

"You have a lovely home, Caroline," he says, pretending as if this was all new to him.

"Thank you. My great grandma actually did most of it, and then the house was passed down through the generations of Forbes women, and they're all big believers of preserving history," Caroline says with a bit of irritation creeping its way into her voice.

"Fair enough," Klaus replied simply, gently tiptoeing around the social landmine he'd just uncovered.

"Anyways, just give me a few minutes to put some tennis shoes on, and then we can go, okay?" Caroline says before bolting up the stairs to her room.

As soon as she's out of sight, he sprang into action. Liz Forbes was the last person known to have the item Klaus had been looking for -- a necklace, the shape of the moon. It was one half of the key needed to get into a secret vault that held the answers to building white oak stakes. The other key was the sun necklace Elena wore, which was a problem for another day. That one was much easier to solve.

Klaus started by searching through the drawers of the cabinets in the breezeway, but to no avail. Frustrated, he let out a long, audible breath, and then he turns his attention to the family portraits, searching desperately for any clues as to the necklaces whereabouts.

Finally, his eyes land on a portrait of young Caroline, her mother Liz, and her father, Bill Forbes. Though he wasn't supposed to know this all yet, as Caroline had not yet told him, Klaus knew her parents history well enough to know why her parents divorced. Why he moved away, and she never talked about it. But that wasn't the part that intrigued him. It was the necklace young Caroline was wearing in the portrait. The exact moon necklace he was looking for.

"Klaus?" Caroline's confused voice cuts through the air, causing him to jump a little.

"Sorry, um... I was just admiring the painting you have here. You were quite beautiful, even when you were younger," he quickly says, trying to cover his tracks.

Luckily, she seemed to buy it. She smiles at him, and a guilty knot ties in his stomach, refusing to settle. Which was a foreign concept for a Mikaelson. Especially the ever so ruthless, careless man Klaus was known to be.

"Why thank you, Klaus. Shall we get going now we?" Caroline asks as she pulls her hair into a ponytail.

"Indeed, we shall," he agrees, holding the door open for her, and stealing one last glance at the portrait before closing the door behind him.


Caroline's POV


"Where are we going, exactly?" Klaus asks, and I turn back to face him.

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