Chapter 9

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The air hung heavy with the weight of Jeremy's disappearance, and the frantic message Elena left for Bonnie. After much discussion, and a lot of fighting, the group decided to split into three groups. Group one: me, Klaus, and Bonnie. Group two: Elena, Damon, Tyler, and Matt. Group three: Stefan, Katherine, and Enzo.

I speed frantically down the main streets of Mystic Falls, scanning the deserted morning sidewalks for signs of Jeremy. Perhaps a dropped hat, a phone, anything. Bonnie was attempting a locators spell, while Klaus used his superspeed to search faster.

Suddenly, there was a text from Bonnie.

I lost Jeremy's trail at the old abandoned factory, just outside town. I'll text you the address, let's start there.

My heart races as I think back on all the dark, creepy stories I'd heard about the factory -- it wasn't uncommon for crimes to be committed and discovered there. From what I remembered, just last year, there'd been a murder, which was the reason the factory closed. Since then, it's become a common place for drug deals, animal sacrifices, and other weird occurrences. The perfect place for a vampire nest, if you ask me.

I press down hard on the gas, zooming through a light just barely making the yellow, and watching as the familiar city streers blur past.


As I pull up to the entrance gate, I decide to park my car there, in case we needed a quick escape. I step out and instantly spot Bonnie waiting beside the old, rusted fence built to keep people out. There were gaping holes in the fence due to inclement weather and constant previous break-ins, so it wouldn't be hard at all to get in.

"Anything?" I ask hopefully, feeling suffocated by the silence.

Bonnie shakes her head. Her brow is furrowed, her face frozen in deep concentration.

"The trail definitely died here. So either he's being held captive by someone with stronger magic than me, or-"

"Or he's dead," Klaus finishes for her.

The idea that Jeremy's trail just ended so abruptly was, by far, more concerning than the fact we were about to knowing walk into a vampire den.

"We should be careful. Either way this goes, it's more dangerous than we originally thought," Bonnie says, her hands shaking, though I wasn't sure if it was the fear, adrenaline, or the cold afternoon weather that was the primary cause. Possibly all three.

"Don't worry Bonnie, we'll find him. We have to," I assure her.

"Finally decided to join us, eh?" Klaus says playfully, a sarcastic smirk playing on his lips.

"Shut up, Nikolaus," I snap, instantly feeling bad. "Just... Stay close, and do your thing, okay?"

He rolls his eyes, but I detected a speck of concern in his gaze.

Opting to ignore him, Bonnie cautiously steps inside, following the outline of the building with her hand. Before long, her hand disappeared through a hole in the wall. Silently, Bonnie looks at Klaus and I, clearly signaling us, before she pulls back the moss covering the hole. She takes a deep breath and steps through the hole. Klaus and I follow suit.

"You know this is a trap, right?" I whisper quietly.

"Jeremy!" Bonnie calls out, her voice echoing throughout the rundown building "Jeremy, where are you?"

When her question was only met with silence, Klaus sniffed the air, using his heightened senses. He tenses, looking around as if paranoid he's being watched. In that moment, I knew we'd walked right into their trap.

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