Chapter 13

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The crisp autumn air swirled, spreading the aroma of roasted corn and funnel cakes, as I wandered through the bustling streets of Mystic Falls, now completely occupied by the harvest festival. It's been a week since Klaus left, and while I still missed him, I refused to let that dampen my spirits any longer.

The town square was a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors -- pumpkins stacked high, the medley of reds, oranges, and yellow leaves dancing underfoot, and booths overflowing with local crafts and intrigued shoppers. Yet, it all seemed oddly muted without the presence of Klaus' cynical commentary, or the glisten in his eyes, mocking the more outlandish offerings the festival brought on.

Damon snags something from a nearby stand, holding it out to me as an offering.

"Care for a caramel apple, love?" Damon mused, sugar dusting his face from his earlier snack.

My heart lurched as he called me 'love', a subtle reminder of Klaus. Despite how I felt, I forced myself to act natural. I rolled my eyes, letting a fake smile make it's way on my face.

"Sure, why not? Thank you, kind sir," I say, playing into the joke, before taking a bite of the apple.

Soon, we join up with Matt, watching in amusement as Elena and Stefan race Bonnie and Jeremy in a one leg sack race, amongst the sea of other contestants. I laugh, watching as Elena almost trips, falling half way before she's caught by Stefan.

Suddenly, a hand touches my shoulder on the right side, and I frown. Matt and Damon were to my left, so who's hand was it? I turn around, and come face to face with none other than Elijah Mikaelson, an uncharacteristically serious expression written on his face.

"Caroline," he said in a low voice, "might I have a moment of your time? I think we need to have a little... Chat."

I started to refuse, but the desperation in his eyes stopped me in my tracks. I frown, my smile fading.

"Is it about Klaus?" I ask, unsure if I was ready for the answer.

Elijah nods and murmurs, "I think this is best discussed in a more isolated setting."

With that said, I say goodbye to Damon and Matt, following Elijah through a back alleyway, heading away from the festival. The music and the sound of bustling streets fades into the background as we continue to walk.

"How is he?" I managed to choke out uncertainly, my voice barely above a whisper.

Elijah hesitated before reacting, a deep sorrow filling his blue eyes.

"He's gotten worse. Worse than it's ever been, I'm afraid. The prophecy, his obsession with power and control... It's consuming him, like he's gone mad. He's become completely cruel and reckless, completely disregarding the safety of himself and the other members of our family."

"What exactly do you think I can do to help you, Elijah? You know as well as I do, there's nothing Klaus loves more than power," I say glumly, trying not to let my bitterness show.

"See, what's where you're wrong, Caroline. Before he met you, he didn't have any shot at redemption in my eyes. He was a monster, Caroline, but you're the one who brought back that spark of humanity in him that I haven't seen in centuries."

"What are you saying, Elijah?" I ask him, my heart racing as a million different responses he could use flood my brain, each of them more terrifying than the last.

"I'm saying, without you, Klaus Mikaelson is nothing more than the legend of the Original Hybrid. He's cruel, he's heartless, he's self-centered. But you brought out something in him -- compassion, understanding, empathy..." Elijah says, trailing off, clearly at a loss for how to explain it.

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