Chapter 11

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I walk up the front steps of the Salvatore house, throwing the doors open and walking inside. There, I find Stefan, Damon, Elena, Bonnie, Klaus, and Tyler sitting in the living room. The second they see me, their eyes light up.

"Caroline! Thank God you're okay," Bonnie says, launching herself to her feet, practically knocking me over with her bear hug.

I laugh, hugging my best friend back, allowing myself to adjust to being around people again. My people.

"Well, isn't this an interesting hodgepodge of people," I muse, trying to keep the mood light.

When Bonnie finally let's go, I find my eyes meeting Tyler's. This was the first time I'd seen him since that day at school. I'd been strategically avoiding him ever since. He quickly looks away, and while normally I'd be trying to catch his attention, I'd decided it was time to let that ship sail. It had run it's course.

"Tyler, I'm surprised to see you here," I remark, frowning as I looked around. "What exactly were you all up to before I got here?"

"We were devising a rescue mission," Klaus interjects. "We were going to storm Lucien's and try to savw you."

"Oh, how noble of you all. But really, guys, I was fine. Lucien was actually very nice the whole time I was there. We had some... Insightful conversations," I say vaguely, causing everyone to exchange concerned glances.

"Caroline, are you still wearing the necklace?" Klaus asks, clearly confused.

"I've not been compelled, Klaus. Lucien was actually kind of a gentleman. It's like he said, he just wanted to get to know me better. That's all," I insist, confused why nobody believes me.

"Right, well, now that she's back, we can go about our normal business," Damon says, getting up and pouring himself a glass of bourbon.

"Seriously, Damon? It's like... 9:30 in the morning," I snap, walking over and snatching the bottle from him.

"Well, it's five o'clock somewhere, right?" He says, before snatching the bottle back and wandering off to his room with a glass of bourbon in one hand and the bottle in the other.

"I should... Probably go check on him," Elena says, vaulting to her feet and chasing after him.

"Well, now that we all know Caroline is safe, I should get going. I'm sure I've overstayed my welcome," Klaus remarks, getting up and heading for the door.

"Hey, Klaus?" Bonnie calls after him.

"Hm?" He asks, turning around to face her, lingering in the doorway.

"I don't care what anybody else says or thinks. As far as I'm concerned, you're one of us now," she says, admiration twinkling in her eyes.

Apparently, I'd missed a few chapters while I was away with Lucien. I made note to ask about their exchange later.

"I appreciate the kind words, given our... Less than pleasant history with each other," Klaus says, then he proceeds to walk out the front door.

"Uh, I should probably go too," Tyler adds, quickly scrambling to his feet, still avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah, that might be for the best," Stefan replies, his tone cold and his eyes shining with concern as he looks at me.

"Hey, Ty?" I say suddenly, taking myself by surprise.


I take a deep breath. I couldn't back down now.

"We're good now, y'know? I don't... Resent you, in any way. What happened between us is in the past, maybe someday we can try to be friends again," I propose, a gentleness in my voice.

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