9. Pieces of the soul

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I grab the last of my toiletries and put it in my toiletry bag. It is still early. Our flight is in a hour and half time and we need to get going soon if we want to make it in time. 

"Shay! Are you ready to go yet?" I hear Nicky call as I zip my bag close. I look around to see if I have gotten everything. 

"Yes I am ready. We can go." I reply as I carry my bag to the living room. I need to leave if I don't want to burst into tears again. I have already informed my landlord that I am leaving today. I just need to remember to leave the apartment keys at the front desk. 

"Rose and Beth already carried all our luggage to the taxi downstairs. They are waiting for us. " Nicky informed me as she walk towards the door. 

" You go on so long, I just need a minute to greet my place for the last time." I reply soft and turn towards the empty room. Nicky give me a knowing look before leaving the apartment.

I take a deep breath as I take in the bare walls and nearly inpersonal apartment. This is it. The last seconds in my safe place. From here on out I'll be floating in a world of unknown mystical creatures and beliefs. I feel the tears starting to sting my eyes but turn around abruptly before taking the last determine steps out of the apartment en locking the door before moving towards the elevator. I fiddle with the keys as I try to gain my composure. 

When I reach the ground floor I have my emotions under control. I give the night gaurd a friendly smile before I hand over the keys of the apartment. He notice the slight hesitation and give the a slight nod, with a knowing glint in his eyes. He is new. Billy, the old guard that I am use to, retired a month ago. 

I walk fast towards the exit before I lose my nerve and run back to grab the keys and hide back in the apartment. As I exit my friends wait for me at the cab. They must see the turmoil of emotions on my face because they envolope me in a tight group hug. 

"We will never leave or forsake you Shayrue. We are your family and will always be here whenever you need us." Beth wispher soft. It only want to make me want to cry more, but I am so thankful for her assurance. I nod slightly, before I break away and clear my throat. 

"Come on girls, we need to make a move on it we don't want to be stranded at the airport." I say, putting on a brave face and grab my bag that slided of my shoulder. 

We bundle into the car and a comfortable silence fall over us as Rose, Nicky and Beth became busy with their phones. I reach for mine. I haven't had the courage to inform Luke that I am relocting. He probably will be glad to hear it and would want to see me as soon as I land. The girls informed me the estate we going to live at is near Luke's packlands. Whatever that means. I still don't get all the terms and words they use to describe all the different mythical groups, society and rituals. 

"We are here." Rose's voice break through my thoughts. 

Rose pay the cab and we grab all our things, mine being the most. I only have the necessary because I can't have too many luggage with me on baord. The rest are going to be shipped to me. 

A half an hour later I take my seat on the plane. I have the aile seat. I don't mind because my seat were only booked yesterday. 

" Excuse me..." I look up to the young man looking down at me. Am I in the wrong seat?  He must see my confusion because he give a friendly smile before speaking again. " Your friend ask if I would like to switch places with you, I don't mind, you may take mine." He offered with a geniune friendly smile. 

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