7. Who is my parents?

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Shayrue's Outfit for chapter :) (with me it's either going to be a new character, and outfit or food and here and there a youtube video)

Ps. Guys this story will be mostly in Shayrue's point of view, there might be some views in Xander's but that's it. 




I look in my rear view mirror. The trip to my parents is long and tiring. I already have been driving for an hour. Still one hour to go. They live in a town just outside the city. 

I didn't call them before I got in my car to have a very urgent conversation with them. I actually only have one question that stand above all. 

Who is my parents?

Just after Xander and Luke left last night I immediately decided I will come and confront them personally. Over the phone won't do it for me. I couldn't even sleep last night. 

I am still ignoring my supposed best-friends' phone calls and messages. I don't have time for liars. Xander might be a complete and utter cold-hearten jerk, an very sexy one, but he, being a complete stranger as well, had more balls that any one of them and my fiance, which I don't even know if we still together or not. My heart jump a little at the thought of the end of Luke and I. I have dedicated so much effort and time into our relationship that I honestly don't just want to give up on it.

And really what would be my actual reason be? That he is a werewolf? If what they say is true than I am creature as well. Which means him and I is of the same caliber.  Which means I can't use that as an excuse to not be with him. 

In fact I can probably decide to move past this and take up our relationship. But things just never would be same after all the discoveries I made. He was willing to let me marry him without telling me what he truly is. I can still get why he didn't tell me about myself but how would he think that conversation would have gone after the wedding! 

Two haunting grey eyes flash through my mind and I sigh irritated and annoyed. Then there's that! Why only Moses will know. 

My stomach make a loud rumble. I sigh again. I haven't even eaten since last night. My poor stir-fry and chocolate cookies were completely forgotten. I was too consumed with my own thoughts and concerns. My life has literally been turned upside down so food was the last thing on my mind. 

I just have to hold until I am at my parents. Even-though I know the last thing on my mind will be food. As the road goes and the cars passed me by I can't wonder what I will do if everything turns out to be true. 

Stop it Shayrue. I first need to talk to Mom and Dad. 

It must been a while that I have had mental conversation with myself because before I know it I drive into my parents town. I waste now time and sped to their home. As I drove up the driveway I see that both their cars is at home. 

Great, I want to speak with them together. 

I pull the car to a stop before I switch off the ignition and just sit there for a moment. Taking a deep breath. I can do this. 

You are stronger than you think. Xander's words suddenly comes to me. A small smile tuck at my lips. He really might be a jerk but he does know how to make me feel empowered. 

I get out but leave my overnight bag in the car. Whether I'll be staying depends on how this conversation will be going. I walk up to the front door and can't believe how I dread ever step. Usually when I come here I can't wait to spend some time with my parents. 

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