5: Time

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I walk towards the couch with shaky legs while Luke put his clothes back on and take a seat before I let my head fall into my hands as I let my elbows rest on my knees. I don't know why exactly but I feel hot tears starting to crawl down my face. Whether it is because of the anxiety that had me since I fainted in-front of the alter or the fact that I just found out that my soon-to-be husband is a werewolf. A freaking werewolf! Or whether it is the fact that two pairs of grey eyes suddenly make me feel so confuse and...complete...at the same time. Which the last part totally don't make sense, I know, because I hardly know or officially been introduced to the guy. But that's why it is so damn confusing! 

"Shay, babe. Please don't cry." Luke say softly. Regret clear in his voice as he sit down next to me. He put his hand on my shoulder but it only cause me to cry harder. 

How did this day turn out this way! 

"I am so sorry I didn't tell you earlier." Luke say again as he rub my back slowly. 

"Why...why didn't you tell me earlier Luke? Were you even going to tell me? Or would I have found out when our children suddenly start to grow tails!" I sob loudly. I don't know how I should feel right now! 

"Of cause not! I would've told you as soon as possible." He reply guilty as can be. 

"You mean as soon as our wedding night! Really Luke? You and I both know that, that is a lie!" I now shout at him with tear stained cheeks. 

His hand left my shoulder and he rub his hand over his face as he look away guiltily. 

"You right. I was a coward about it. I was just so scared that you would leave me if you find out sooner." He grind out with a pleading look in his eyes. 

"So you rather tie the knot first in order to ensure that I don't, right? What a great way to start a married Luke. Just awesome!" I am now angry and highly disappointed in the man I thought I knew. 

"Shayrue, please just try to understand! Tell me would you have stayed in a relationship with me if I told you earlier?" He suddenly ask in a challenging way. I look at him as if he seriously try to make this about me. 

"I would now never know because you didn't give me that choice now did you!" I shout angrily. I can't believe him! 

"I was afraid! I didn't think clearly. My only concern till now was that I don't want to lose you. I was selfish, I am sorry. I didn't think how you would feel if I didn't tell you sooner.  I only thought about myself. I am truly sorry Shayrue." He say ashamed and his head hung shamefully. 

I close my eyes and try to breath in and out slowly in an attempt to calm myself. This is just too much for me right now. 

"I don't know what to say Luke. This was not how I imagine my wedding day would be." My voice break at the end at a sob break though my body again. 

"I know no amount of apologies would fix this but I believe me when I say I would never hurt you purposefully." Luke say as he take my hands in his but I just pull it away and turning my body away from his. 

"Shayrue...please...don't push me away." Luke plead and I can hear the sadness in his voice but I am just too tired to try and give him any comforting answer right now. 

I always try to make everyone happy all the time and thought that Luke was my reward for always putting other's needs before my own. Guess I was wrong about that I can't help but think sadly. 

"What do we do now?" I ask with a deep sigh and tired voice my eyes on my hands. 

"You can decide...whatever you want. I will accept whatever you want right now." Luke say desperation evident in his voice. 

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