4: This is unbelievable

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Luke's eyes is full of concerns as he look into my eyes while his hands nervously fidgeting together. I frown because his behavior honestly scaring me and the uncertainty of what might be so serious is making the dread in my stomach multiple. 

"Luke, I am sure whatever it is we can work it out. Now tell me what is so serious that it might stand in the way of us getting married." I don't know whether what I am saying is true but I hope it will encourage him to talk.  

He clears his throat before he look down at his hands and then back at me. 

"I don't know how to start. I don't know how you going to take this but just know that I will not keep anything from you after this ever again. I promise." He say almost desperately. His eyes look pleadingly into mine. He make an attempt to hold my hands but as if he changed his mind he instead intertwine his fingers while he lean with his elbows on his knees. Staring at an unknown object on the carpet floor. 

"Luke, babe. Please, you are scaring me. What is going on?" I ask with a slightly shaky voice as I look at him searching for an answer on his handsome face. My own hands intertwined in my laced cover lap. 

"I...I am not who you think I am." He starts as he sit upright and lean back on the couch as he try to look in my eyes but look away when he probably see the confusion in them. I try not to interrupt and instead of asking what he mean by that I nod encouragingly. "I am not human Shay. I am a werewolf." He sigh almost defeated. At first I don't grasp what he is saying and then without warning a airy laugh escape my mouth as I look at him with a 'are serious' look.

"Luke! Really? A werewolf? You make me almost faint of anticipation just to tell me you are some fictional supernatural being! Come on! This is no time for jokes. Tell me what is really going on." I shout a little less amused because he is not taking this serious. I am about to wet my lacy panties out of anticipation and he have time for jokes. I huff as I cross my hands over my chest. 

He look at me unfazed by my little explosion. His eyes meet mine now directly and I draw my breath sharply as I see the seriousness in his.  Either he is actually serious or he is crazy and I don't think I prefer either. 

"This is no joke Shayrue. This is who I am, how I was born. I am Alpha Luke McClum. Alpha of the Bluemoon pack." He say again, this time with more power, determination and dare I say pride. I look at him in total bafflement. 

What the hell. 

"Luke McClum! Or Alpha Luke McClum as you prefer, I seriously hope that you don't think for one second that I would believe such nonsense. It is ridiculous. Werewolves, or whatever supernatural, unbelievable being you prefer to be, do not exist. If it is that you do not want to inform me what is really going on, because you actually don't want to get married to me. Then be a man about it and say it straight to my face!" I burst out in irritation. Anger suddenly bubbling in me. 

Does he take me for a fool! Pffph Werewolves! 

This is unbelievable! 

I start to get, I need a to take a breather from pushing him to tell me what his issue is.  His hand grab mine, preventing me from getting up completely. I look at him in annoyance when I see the pleading, scared look in his eyes. I sigh deeply and sit back down before I take a deep breath in a way to calm myself. 

"Shayrue, I would never lie to you about something so serious. I am telling you the truth, I swear. Werewolves do exist. There is a supernatural world you do not know about. Humans are unaware of the hidden world right under their noses. They are too oblivious and wrapped up in there own livelihoods and search for UFO's and other livable planets to even notice that we do exist. Please...just try to keep an open mind and consider that even if just by the slightest chance that I might tell the truth." Luke now openly plead. His hand still holding mine in a now iron grip.

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