1: Blossoms of joy

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Image: How I imagine Shayrue(You can imagine her however you like. I have no idea who this incredibly beautiful woman is, please let me know if you do)




The wind lightly lift the hair from my face as I rush to get to my next appointment. It seems as every little thing tries to mess up my day today. 

First I overslept. 

Then I burnt my toast. And I love me some avocado toast!

After I have run late for my first appointment with the florist, I bumped into some stranger on the sidewalk on my way out and the universe decided it was a great opportunity to ruin my favorite white blouse with a big brown coffee stain.

With no time to spare I had to forget about getting home to change. Instead I held my purse against my chest awkwardly throughout my previous appointment with the baker the whole time. My arms later got so tired I forgot about the stain until the baker took a sharp breath eyeing the horrendous stain. Flustered and embarrassed my pursed clutched hand flew right back up to my chest. 

And now I am again late for the pick up of my wedding dress! 

I am a natural clumsy person but today just topped the cake. And for the hundredth time I curse myself for deciding to plan my own wedding. That's what wedding planners are for. But no! My 'changing last minute' little self wanted to do everything herself. 

As always I made some last minute changes. Who does that two days before their wedding? I decided I wanted another arrangement for the flowers at the reception and some cake poppers as wedding favors. Leaving the little flower peddle sachets. 

Now only to meet my brides maids to pick up our dresses and then my favorite thing to do. 

Eat. Lunch. The only thing that could make me the happiest woman alive now. 

The light dress pants I wear, to look more like a professional bride-to-be(duh), suddenly feels too tight and uncomfortable. I can't wait to get it off my overtired body. My heels click on the pavement as I move towards the wedding dress boutique where I can see my three best-friends waiting already. 

Before I reach them they see me and bright smiles break through their concerned faces. I try to match their radiant smiles with one of my own but I am sure the miserable morning's events shows on my face. 

"Shay! Where have you been? We already waiting for half an hour!" Rose, my oldest friend speak first. With that she pull me in for a bone crushing hug. I groan-giggle and is about to answer when she was cut off by someone else. 

"Yes we were about to send out a search party for you Shay." My less stressful friend, Nicky, join Rose with a soft smile. She was the calmest person among us therefore I know she doesn't really mean that. 

"You guys wouldn't believe what a crazy morning I had!" I answer while pulling Nicky and Beth in for a tight hug as well before pointing to the brown stain on my blouse. They draw in their breath dramatically, looking at the stain questionably. "I'll explain later." I reply quickly, not wanting to think about it now. 

"You should've called Shay, we could've come to you. That's why we are here for. To help you." Beth answer while loping her arm with mine. 

"I didn't want to involve you girls with my stupid last minute decisions. You guys know how I get when I am nervous and anxious. Seeing things that aren't really there. And you have done so much for me the past months. It honestly didn't feel right dragging you into this as well." I explain while walking into the luxurious boutique. 

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