8: New Beginning

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Image: An perfect picture of Shayrue's friendship with her friends. :)




I try to stretch my leg but it is stopped by an warm soft object at the bottom of my bed. I lift my head slightly with one eye open to glance at whatever is preventing me from waking up properly. I already have an feeling on what it might be.

"Really you guys! Again? I thought we talked about this." I groan out as I fall back down on the pillows. All four of us on this bed is just not working.

"We just couldn't leave you alone in the state you were in last night." Beth croak out, while trying to stretch a own limb, kicking Rose in the stomach in the process.

"That't what y'all been saying the past week every morning. I have been sleeping alone since I can remember. This is not working for me! My body feel stiff and sore for lying in the same position all night." I whine out while kicking Nicky's head on purpose.

"Hey! That's not very nice!" She shout while trying to get away from my kicking foot.

"Teach you for stealing my bed!" I say while stretching in a way that my feet and hands push at each of them. The next thing happen so fast because the one moment my feet kick at Nicky and the next she grab my feet while I feel she is pulling at my foot I grab Rose's hand who grab at Beth and we all come tumbling off the bed with shrills and squeals.

At first I was shocked and when I don't feel any pain I burst out in laughter. They look at me in surprise but when they see that I am not crying they start laughing as well. I think they might be laughing more out relieve than anything else. For the past week all I have been doing was crying.

Crying that my parents lie to me. Crying that my real parents didn't want me. Crying that Luke kept secrets from me. Crying that my best-friends were keeping secrets from me. Crying that I am not a human. Crying that I am part of a new world now. But mostly crying because in everything that is happening, I didn't have a choice. In none of it. This was all damped on me at once. I don't have a choice but to accept this now.

Because this is who I am now. Like Xander said. Whether I want it or not.

The girls and I have talked and cried together and at first I was stubborn but as the days went I saw how much they are doing for me I had to forgive them. They are all I have now and I am apart of their world now. Might as well step in to it with my friends beside me.

I love my parents I really do. They are truly the best parents a girl could ask for. But yesterday I had to ask them to give me some space after they have tried to call me numerous times. I need time to get over the lies and secrets. I will eventually forgive them.

"I am going to take a shower. I am as hungry as a lion." I say as I wipe away the laughing tears. The three women look at me surprised once again.

"Really?" Rose ask her voice as surprise as she.

"Yes really. I have moped long enough. Time to look the world, supernatural or not, in the eye." I reply with determination as I untangle myself from them. I will not be that person. Falling into depression because of my circumstances. I always was a positive person and I always make the best out of a situation. This will be no different.

I slowly feel the tension leave my shoulders as I make my decision. A smile form on my lips as I look at my friends.

"Thank you guys for being here for me. You are the best. I love you and truly appreciate it." I say with a soft thoughtful voice.

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