6: More revelations

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Image: Shayrue's homey outfit:)



I self-consciously try to adjust my over-sized fuzzy cardigan  back over my shoulder while staring at the very last person I never thought I would ever see again. 

And for the love of sweet honey, I am not able to help the excitement and happiness I suddenly feel as I look into those eyes

I smile nervously while his eyes stare directly in mine.  I am slightly disappointed that it's show no emotions. In-fact his face is stoic. It actually intimidates me in a way and make me feel more self-conscious. 

But the complete feeling is back. Which is completely weird. Because the aura that comes with him should not be able to provide me with any comfort. I am almost afraid that I do not feel afraid!

"Uhmm...good afternoon Shay. May we come in please?" Luke clears his throat and the sound of his voice pull me out of my hypnotic state. 

"Oh yes...of cause! Come in." I rush out as I open up the door wider. I glance over my shoulder to make sure my place is not looking like a pigsty. I secretly sigh in relieve as I notice it is decent enough for guests. 

I walk towards the open plan kitchen and living area and just as I was about to ask them to take a seat that damn deep sexy voice fills my apartment. 

"I believe we haven't officially been introduced. My name is Xander Lycan." He say as he look at me with an emotionless face. For a moment I just stare at him until I notice they both look at me expectantly. I feel my cheeks flame up and clear my throat awkwardly. 

"Please to meet you. My name is Shayrue Lenox as you probably already know." I smile at him and hold out my hand to shake his. He however, firstly doesn't return my smile and secondly stay with his hands in his slack pockets. My cheeks flush a little embarrassed and I pull my hand back as I try to keep the smile on my face awkwardly. 

Okay then! His one of those. 

Don't feel too bad about it Shayrue, he probably don't like touching people. Maybe even have OCD? 

Come to think of it, he didn't touch me back at the church either. Even when I was pressed against his chest. His hands didn't touched me. 

Yeah...yes. Probably a case of OCD. I try to shake the disappointing feeling off and show to the couch and chair as an indication that they may sit down. 

Luke sit down next to me as Xander take the chair. 

"So to what do I own this unplanned visit to?" I ask friendly as I look at Luke when I mention 'unplanned'. 

"I did try to call you but you didn't pick up." Luke say as he rub the back of his neck a little uncomfortable. I squirm a little uncomfortable myself. Knowing that I have blatantly been ignoring phone calls. 

Xander on the other hand sit very much relaxed in the chair. His stance proud and powerful. As if the place belong to him. The spacious room almost too small for the energy his giving off.  It's clear that he doesn't seem to be affected by the little unease atmosphere in the room.

"I...uhm...was busy cooking. Must have not heard my phone. I am sorry. But you here now so it might have been important." I divert the conversation quickly, not wanting to explain myself in-front of that stoic face. 

"The k...uhm...Xander wanted to talk to you about something. It might take a while so do you have time?" He ask with a serious voice.  

I frown a little. What would Xander like to talk to me about? I contemplate whether I could wait eating or just invite them to join me for dinner as we discuss whatever they feel like. 

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