3: What the freak?

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Image: Xander or Alpha King Xander Lycan :) (Again, this how I imagine him but you can imagine him as you want. I also don't know who this deadly handsome man is, please let me know if you do.)




As if waking up from a deep sleep I struggle to pierce my eyes open. My throat feel as dry as the Kalahari dessert. I try to clear my throat in attempt to get some moisture in my dry throat. 

"Sweetheart? Are you awake? Can you hear me?" I hear Luke's voice nearby and at the same time I feel his hand grab mine and the other cupping my cheek. The deep concern in his voice make me force harder to open my eyes. 

And as if the sun has rise after a dark gloomy day my eyes open and I look into his very concerned honey brown eyes. 

"Luke..." My voice sound raspy and weird. "Water...please?" I ask while giving his hand a light squeeze. He leave my side for a second and appear in the line of my vision again with a glass of water. Holding it against my lips and lifting me up slightly. I take a deep gulp of the water. Eager to ease the dryness in my throat. "Thank you." I smile at him thankfully before emptying the glass. 

"How do you feel? Are you hurt anywhere?" He ask still concerned and his eyes roam over my body as if to search for something. 

"I have a slight headache but other than that I feel fine. What happened?" I ask while pressing two fingers against my temple and close my eyes again. Everything is a blur. 

"Well. You kind off fainted in-front of the alter...." Luke say slowly and a slight cringe to his voice. 

My eyes flew open and meet his in panic, searching whether he is pulling my leg. But as if a door was opened everything starts to come back in a rush. And I draw in my breath sharply. 

"Wha...What?" I whisper-yell. Trying to calm myself with short breaths. 

"Sweetheart calm down! I don't want you to pass out on me again."  Luke say soothingly holding my one hand as my other cupping my own cheek. 

"But-But our wedding? How long have I been out?" I ask hurriedly before trying to get up but Luke push me back on the couch. I only notice now that we are in the room where we waited to go into church before the ceremony started. 

"Relax babe. It's only been one hour. The guests is still all here and everyone is very concerned about your well-being." Luke try to calm me down rubbing small circles on my hand.

"An hour! Even though it feels longer, that is still long. Oh my goodness I am so sorry Luke I don't know what happened!" I start to apologies as I grab his hands in mine and look at him in a pleading manner. 

"Babe it's fine, it's not the end of the world. It can happen to anyone. With all the stress that goes with wedding planning it really doesn't surprise me. I am the one who should apologize for not supporting you enough." Luke say regretfully. 

My heart warms at his words, while I know the real reason I am still grateful for his understanding heart. That's why I love him. 

My heart flutter as two grey eyes flash before my eyes. But I shake it off quickly. It probably was only an illusion. Stranger things has happened to overly tired people. 

"You gave me more than enough support babe. But you right I was a little stressful the past weeks." I say softly while looking down at our hands. 

"A little?" He say playfully. My eyes flew to his and I see the smile on his lips. 

"Shut up!" I say while trying to suppress a smile of my own. 

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