10. Courage

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Image: The Royal Estate




We have already been driving for another three hours and I am tired and jetleg as hell. I just want to lay my head somewhere, even on a rock would do. It really doesn't matter to me at this point. The fact that the time zones is not the same as back at home is so confusing and also tiring. I expected to be here at night time but it was still early morning and is now only past 12pm. 

"I am so hungry!" Beth mumble for the almost hundered time. Okay maybe I exaggerate a little but it sure feels like the hundered time. It just add more fuel to my own hunger and I curse the fact that we didn't grab something to eat at the restuarant by the airport. 

"Complaining about it will not take it away." Nicky say sternly while she keep her focus on the road. She is driving because they went to the airport in her car and it was park there for until they returned. "And besides we are almost home, just another 30 minutes before we reach the turn off." She add. 

I could almost roll my eyes to the back of my head at her non-chalant words. As if 30 minutes is 3 minutes. Rose sit in the passenger seat, typing away at her phone while Beth and I are lounging in the back seat. Silence fall over us again and after 30 minutes, just as Nicky said we reach a turn off, into the woods. Since we have been friends I never visited them at home, they would always prefer to visit me and my family. I now know why. 

We were never rich, only had enough to live comfortably, so my parents and I would never go to far away place for holidays. So this is my first time this side, it is a whole new experience. It is exciting. 

After another 30 minutes we reach a very tall, black steel gate. It seems strong and unbreakable. I notice strong steel fencing for miles and miles to the sides, disapearing into the woods. Four huge men stand at the inside of the gate. They look very intimidating and frightening. The security is top notch. Not even a flea seems to be able to past these guys. They give one look to the car and the gates open electronically. 

Fancy fancy.

I give a slight smile towards the men who peer into the car as we past but their face remain stoic, and emotionless. Well ohk, suite yourselves. I am only trying to be friendly. 

As we enter through the gates the thick tree lining remain beside the road, but the road itself is neatly paved and the natural nature and atmosphere are calm and relaxing. I feel a deep sense of peace overflowing my heart. My mind seems to be confused at my intense feel of home because I never visited this side of the country before and well this is the biggest step of my life. 

My heart jolt as my eyes catch a fast movement flashing through the woods beside the road. I gasp in suprise. What on earth?  

"It's the wolves on patrol. They see to that we reach the estate safely." Beth calmly answer my unspoken question. I look at her and I stare at the amount of happiness and joy that is spread over her face. My eyes flash to the two women infront and I am shocked to see the same amount of sheer joy on their faces. It is the first time ever I see that look on their faces and that says alot because we have been friends for a long time. 

But then again I never seen them here. On their own territory. They are home. 

I gasp deeply as we suddenly break through the wall of trees and the most amazing view I had literaly ever seen before, not even on the internet or tv, appear infront of my eyes. It is so huge, unique and exquisite. The houses and different buildings peak through the trees and are very luxury looking. All of them seems to be of great quality. Not one seems to be less than the other. 

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