2: Wedding Bells

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Image of Luke. (You can imagine his as you want though:))




I stretch as I get out of bed. Today is the first day of the rest of myself. A smile break through my face as excitement start to build in the pit of my stomach. 

I can't wait to become Mrs McClum and spend the rest of my life with my very handsome Luke McClum. 

"Good Morning sunshine!" Rose, Nicky and Beth burst into my room excited. Nicky carry a tray with food and put it on my lap when they reached my bed. 

"Good Morning girls and you shouldn't have." I say thankful while I look at the freshly cut fruit, pancakes, bacon, eggs, fried tomatoes and orange juice on the tray.  They join me on the bed and I look at them with a little frown. "Well where are yours?" I question. 

"We already ate. So you can enjoy yours without feeling guilty." Beth laugh while getting more comfortable. 

"You should have woke me up so that we could've enjoyed breakfast together." I accuse. 

"We wanted you to get enough sleep before the wedding later." Nicky reply without looking guilty in any way. 

I groan while looking at them playfully before eating the tasty fresh breakfast. I moan pleasurably with every bite.

"If you continue to moan like that I would start to think you gain sexual pleasure from just consuming that food." Beth laugh amused. 

"Uhm, well nothing is better than having sex with Luke but this food comes pretty close." I wink playfully while biting off a piece of bacon. 

"Ewww. Too much info my friend!" Rose reply with a twinkle in her eyes. I roll my eyes at her, knowing how into detail she can get about her and Luther's sex life. And let me tell you it can get pretty wild. I cringe every time she starts with that.  

"You one to talk, Rose. Nobody gives so much details on their sex life as you." Nicky laugh while poking Rose's arm playfully. 

"Yeah and it isn't as if Shay said anything dirty minded, other than what we can say about you!" Beth join the banter between the girls. 

"You are right. And therefor you now need to give me more info Shay." Rose reply with a wide grin and a playful, naughty glint in her eyes. 

"No way! I am not letting you into any particular detail of my sex life." I giggle while throwing a pillow playfully at her before putting the tray with empty plates on the bedside table. 

As I turn back towards them a pillow hit me square in the face. I draw in my breath sharply. Oh no she didn't!

Within seconds a wild pillow fight has broken out between the four of us as we laugh and giggle uncontrollably. After a few minutes we fall over each other on the bed and laugh out of our bellies as we still trying to catch our breaths. 

"Wow, I can't believe I am getting married in a few hours." I sigh happily. 

"It's going to be magical." Nicky sigh dreamily as well. 

"Yip and if we don't start getting ready now you are going to be super late for your wedding!" Rose shriek as she take a look at the clock on the bedside table. 

We all flew up and look at the clock in panic. My eyes widen as I notice the time and struggle to get out of the bed almost falling on my face as my foot get stuck in the tangled bed sheets. 

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