Talk? About what?...sunoo asked confused but jay told him to eat first cause he must be hungry and sunoo obeyed.
While sunoo was eating jungwon start...
Sunoo why are you over working??... silence that's what filled in the air sunoo stopped eating but still looking down at his meal.
W-what are you talking about it's our schedule, right? There is nothing like over working!... Sunoo said but no one were satisfied with his answer as they heard the conversation sunoo and manager had before.
You can tell us it's ok...jake said but sunoo got furious this time.
I already told you! Why are you asking again...sunoo yelled at jake making everyone else widening their eyes sunoo never ever done this it new sunoo never shouts at someone even if they are younger than him but jake?. He is elder than him still he yelled at him.
Jake was taken a back by the sudden yell but heesung was angry at sunoo now so much angry like how can someone shout at his beloved brother!!!
Heesung slammed his hand on the table everyone looked at him terrified cause they know heesung is very dangerous when he is angry.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?? KIM SUNOO... Heesung yelled at the younger who was scared by this side of heesung.
IF HE ASKED YOU SOMETHING THEN ANSWER IT! WE ARE HERE FROM HOURS TO LISTEN WHAT IS BOTHERING YOU! AND HERE YOU ARE SHOUTING AT JAKE!!!... Heeseung finished his sentence while yelling at sunoo who was so scared of him now that you can see tears in his eyes.
He put down his chopsticks and was about to leave from there when niki grabbed his arm.
Where are you going you haven't finished your dinner yet...niki asked maintaining his emotionless face only for sunoo who yanked his hand away and looked at all of them.
Why are you showing me your fake care?? I'm not your brother that's why you all treat me different from you!!?...sunoo said making everyone shock they even forget to breathe tears slip from his eyes.
What do you mean?... Sunghoon asked with big eyes.
You all are brothers but you never told me about it. You all are real vampires but you never told me...sunoo said with emotionless face.
Before anyone can speak sunoo said...
I don't care who you are and what's your relation between each other. You all are brothers but I'm not your brother so don't show me your fake care and concern. I'm just a co worker and the members of this group sadly.
But will not tell anyone that you all are brothers don't worry about it.
And treat me like a co worker not your friend... Sunoo ended his sentence with big sign and left from there without eating.All of them were shocked. They don't have any idea how sunoo got to know this but they are relieved that he won't tell anyone. But they felt sad when sunoo said " treat me like a co worker" why did he said that they can care for their friend right?
That night no one in the enhypen dorm slept because of so many thoughts running through their minds.
But how do he get to know???
15 days ago at the company...
Sunoo you can go now...said his trainer...but I have to work out it's in my schedule. It's early sir...sunoo said... But we have work sunoo-ya we are going discuss something important so I can't guide you today so you can leave now...after hearing his trainer sunoo got so much happy that he will go dorm early with jake and jungwon.
After so many days we will dinner together... Sunoo thought with excitement smiling ear to ear but when he looked for the car it was already gone.
Ya anyway I'll go as the car comes again after dropping jakwon.sunoo was waiting then the car came after 35 minutes. Then he get in the car and drove off to dorm.
When he reached there was silence so sunoo thought not to make any noise and surprise them but when he went near the door he was surprise himself by what he was listening.
Don't get to much attach to him was jungwon telling heesung... Ya but he is cute we can't resist him... Sunghoon said but jungwon shot him with an angry glare
He is just the member of the group called enhypen he is not our brother so please stay away from that human... jungwon said as jake and Jay agreed to him.
Why he is not a vampire like us... Niki said pouting... because he is born as human... Jake said looking at niki with a stare.
He is human we should stay away from him... Sunghoon said after understanding jungwon.
Yes humans are heartless animals what if he knows and he will tell the world??... Jungwon said terrified by the thought of it as they have a bitter past.
But I don't think sunoo is that type of person...Jay said looking down when heesung said which make him think again...
We all thought the same years before too but what we got?? BETRAYAL and only BETRAYAL... Heesung complete as jungwon and niki were at the verge of crying..
They have a very bitter past because of humans and they think of everyone like the same.
Outside the dorm someone was listening everything with tears running from his eyes like a river. Sunoo also got flashbacks from his scary and horrible past.
His breathing became unsteady and eyes widened as the most heart breaking sceneries flashed through back of his head.
He ran away from the dorm far away. His heart is not settling after what he just heard he. His heart is still not ready to accept his beloved ones death...
I miss him so much! Why did you leave me??...sunoo asked looking at the dark sky after stopped running at a dark road where was not one to see him and that's what he wanted... Peace...
End of flashback...
Hope you get the plot twist...the truth will be revealed soon...
Stay tuned for more interesting parts
Send me your precious feedback
I'm waiting for yaa...

Fanfictionwhere people have normally one or two mates in the world of omegavers...sunoo has's so much complicated for now but you will understand after reading his journey being omega. but more than their one omega the brothers love each other... "I...