not the end!

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Hey guys, how are you all doing?

This is not the end of the story!!!

I know many of you haven't checked WHY p.t 2.

If you want to read what happened in sunoo's life after the last update on this story, please check out that story as well. The other book is going to be fabulous as well!

BTW this story reached in top 10 at number #4 ranking all over Wattpad in vampireverse!

It wasn't possible without you guys! Thank you so much but go check the other one as well!

I wasn't going to write it separately but to keep it organised and neat with this app I had to write it separately.

I'm facing many problems with my stories this days, so I did worked on it separately so you won't lose interest in it hope you will check it and

Send your precious feedback to me!

I'm waiting for your reply guys!

Take care don't catch cold!...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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