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( being in human body they still have the powers of vampires)

Present time...

Sunoo breathed out sadly remembering that day he lost his mother and couldn't even tell the vampires that he is alive.

And now they hate him so much for the things he had never done. He started walking again with his bleeding hand till he reached his destination.

I make you all hurt right then I'll leave you all... Sunoo said with a sorrowful smile and left.

10 days later...

Do you really think he can do this bang PD??... JYP asked his friend who was already distressed.

No it's not on my thinking jyp! We need the proper proff to quite the raging fans... Bang PD said jyp nodded.

If I found that he is innocent before you then I'll make him idol at my company... Jyp said and left the meeting room after patting his friends shoulder.

I don't know what to do with this... Bang PD talked to himself and closed his eyes in frustration.

By now every company got the news of sunoo betraying his company.

Fans are out of control with the haters too. They are commenting very bad about sunoo.

" How can he betray his own group?"

" He is such a shameless person I have ever known"

" That basterd don't deserve this from start"

" He must die painfully"

" He will suffer to death"

That's how brainless animals were commenting for sunoo.

They don't have a single idea what sunoo is going through.

Enhypen is slowly moving back as a group they have to keep it up for themselves and their fans the six of them will be still in the group.

At enhypen dorm...

This place feels more like graveyard now. No one talking, playing just being in their rooms. None of them wants to talk with each other they have make their own boundaries.

Why are they a group? They worked hard to be in the same group for being close to each other. The brothers wanted to live with each other for the rest of their lives.

What are they doing now?? They are apart even after staying under the same roof they are away from one another. How sad no?

That's when the door bell rings jungwon came out to check who is it when he opens the door he saw seungmin standing there with angry eyes.

Seungmin sunbae nim?... Jungwon didn't expect seungmin to be here and was shocked.

Yes, I'm here to tell you something... seungmin said hearing the unfamiliar voice one by one every member came out of their rooms.

What do you want to talk hyung?... Jay asked politely seungmin just glared at Jay who gulped.

What? You don't know why I'm here?! I'm here to talk about sunoo... He said raising his voice everyone looking at him silently.

Where is he? I'm trying his number from 7-8 days but he is not picking up... Seungmin said in a angry but worried tone.

You know how much I love him! He is my best friend! We were together for just 3 months and I know he can't do this to you all and your company but you! You all were with him for years and you still can't understand him what a shame... Seungmin said.

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