Suffocating in Love

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"Oi wake up, we got school," Joel said loudly into Ray's ear as he shook him violently to wake him up.

"I'm up, I'm up!" Ray yelled and pushed Joel off him. He glanced at the clock and realised that this was he first time Joel had actually woken him up instead of letting him sleep in and have to rush to get ready.

With yesterday's events still fresh in his memory Ray grinned all through breakfast. "What's got you so happy Ray?" Joel's mum asked as the three of them munched on their cereal.

"Oh not much, just that my brother's back, my dad and I get along now and there's a school dance tonight," Ray said cheerily.

"Ooh I know Joel has a date, do you Ray, any special girls?" She asked. Joel gave Ray an apologetic look and took a giant mouthful of his cornflakes.

"Actually I'm not taking a girl, I'm taking my boyfriends, all five of them!" Ray replied nonchalantly. Joel spat out his cornflakes all over the table and he and Ray started laughing their asses off.

Joel's mum was still trying to process as well as flick chewed cornflake pieces off her clothes. To avoid conversation Ray pretended to look at the clock and realise the time. "Oh shi- crap look at the time, we gotta go!" He said and grabbed a half laughing half choking Joel and pulled him into Joel's room.

"Dude, why would you tell my mum?" Joel asked once they were out of earshot. Ray shrugged and grinned as he pulled out clothes to wear. This was the last time he would get ready at Joel's house in the morning. After school he would go back to his house and hopefully things would be much better back there. Ray was damn sure they were though.

It was probably a good thing he was going home through, he ran out of clean underwear a little while ago and he was seriously considering going commando to school. Considering.

School was buzzing with excitement for the dance tonight. Girls were exchanging beauty tips and numbers for hair stylists while guys were still trying to figure out what corsages were.

During lunch Ray, his boys, Joel and the girls all sat together. The huge group was grabbing people's attention and everyone wanted to know what was up, but they just ignored everyone and enjoyed themselves.

"So Ray, you are going to the dance?" Kara asked for the millionth time. Meg and Barbra giggled at her and Joel rolled his eyes.

"Yes he is, with his boyfriends!" Gavin said excitedly. Ray was sitting between Ryan and Michael, holding both of their hands. He looked over to Gav and smiled. Yes, he was going to the dance with his boyfriends, no matter what anyone thinks.

And it was going to be fucking amazing.

"Ray your ride is here!" Clint called from the living room. Ray took one final look in the mirror, straightened his glasses and brushed off his tuxedo. As he walked to the door his dad stopped him.

"Ray, have a great time, be back by one at the latest," He said and pulled him into a hug. Ray hugged his dad back and smiled to himself. It was back to how it was before his mum died. She would be so happy right now, Ray though and blinked to keep the tears in his eyes away.

"See you Clint!" Ray called out and turned to the door. He opened it and saw a very smart looking Jack at the door.

"Well don't you look amazing," Jack said and grinned at him. "C'mon the others are in the car!" They walked down to the car which Ray recognized from his first blind date as Geoff's old blue car. Jack climbed in but Ray hesitated.

"Guys this is a five seater. There are six of us," Ray pointed out.

"Just sit on our laps," Ryan called out from his spot in the backseat. Ray smiled and shook his head as he climbed in and laid across Michael, Gavin and Ryan. They all grabbed him and acted as seat belts. Laughing at the sight, Geoff started the car.

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