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It's a very unsettling feeling to be waiting for something bad to happen. Like when you're watching a horror movie and you're waiting for the jump scare. Ray's heart thudded against his chest louder than ever as he watched his dad storm over to the group. His friends, his boyfriends.

"What are you doing on my property?" He growled at Gavin, who clutched at his rolled piece of cardboard. Ray saw him gulp and open his mouth, but heard no words.

"What are you doing hurting my best friend!?" Joel yelled.

"Yeah, what are you doing hurting my boyfriend's best friend!?" Barbra called out as well.

"What are you doing hurting our boyfriend!?" Michael yelled, louder than anyone.

Ray saw his dad stop and blink for a second, processing what had been said. He saw his eyes flick over to the car. They made brief eye-contact before Ray shut his eyes tightly and dropped down in his seat.

If Ray though his heart couldn't be louder, he was wrong. The beating got faster and louder and faster and louder and-

Ray could hear knocks. Angry hard knocks. He opened his eyes slowly, looked up at the window and squinted at his father. The man he had lived with all his life. Who he had loved until the death of his mother. Who he had hated with each blow on his body.

Ray could see his mouth moving and knew he should hear words, but he couldn't over the booming in his ears. Ray reached over and rolled down the window about an inch so he could hear.

"You, you leave without a fucking word, then I don't hear anything from you and I think you're dead, then you fucking show up with ten people screaming at me! you bastard!" He yelled into to open window.

Ray knew he shouldn't be scared. He was locked in a car for fucks sake, he couldn't be touched, but he was. He was shaking, shivers trickled down his spine. They only got worse and worse. Then he realized what was happening.

Of all times and places for a panic attack, in the middle of being yelled at by his dad in the middle of a rally while locked in a car, that was when Ray got one. He took sharp, short breaths and laid back in his seat.

Ray squeezed his eyes shut tightly and tried to breath but now he was crying and wheezing and his lungs wouldn't work. He gasped for air as tears streamed down his face, shaking violently. He heard yelling and fast footsteps coming close towards the car.

The door opened and Ray tumbled out. The dust made him cough more as he continued to struggle for breath. Hands pulled him up and held him close, stroking his hair and wiping away tears.

There was silence except for his own gasping and hiccuping. Ray opened his eyes and saw lots staring back, with looks of worry, sadness and anger.

Ray saw his dad's eyes, still full of pent up rage. His mind flashed to seeing them before, as he was hit, slapped and pushed down. All Ray's emotions turned to fear and he tried to scramble away. Instead he found himself ramming into Ryan, who had been the hands holding him.

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