Bad Idea

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"It's definitely your nose," Joel decided as they ate lunch together in the school cafeteria.

"Can we not play the 'Why can't Ray get a date?' game? And I like my nose!" Ray whined to his best friend.

"Loosen up, flirt a bit, that's what I do for the ladie- hold up!" Joel interrupted himself to turn around and wink and wave at Barbra, the hottest girl in their highschool.

She started to smile back until her friend Kara swept her away into a crowd.

"Dang man, she's totally into you. How do you do it?" Ray asked, leaning in and staring intently at his friend.

"I was born with a certain charm, one you especially can't imitate, sorry," Joel replied, smirking.

Ever since Joel had suddenly become interested in girls, he had made it his duty to also find his best friend a chick too.

It was a nice attempt but Joel didn't know the real reason Ray just wasn't into the whole dating thing. Nobody did.

The bell rang, or rather droned throughout the cafeteria and people began slowly shuffling towards the door.

Just as Ray was about to step through the door, a hand grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"Joel what the fuck man?" Ray yelled in a hushed tone, rubbing his arm. Damn he had a strong grip.

"Blind date," He said bluntly, grinning his fucking face off.

"What?" Ray asked slowly, hoping Joel did not have the idea he thought he did.

"I'll set you up on a blind date, it's a perfect idea! See ya!" Joel cried, weaving through the crowd and out of Ray's sight.

"More like perfectly horrible idea," He mumbled to himself, rushing to his english class to make it in time.

In his rush he barely noticed the boy in the corner, staring at the wall. Ray cautiously walked over to him and coughed to let him know he was there.

The boy turned and looked at Ray through teary eyes. He gave a watery smile and turned back to the wall.

Ray stood awkwardly, unsure of what to do. Why did comforting people have to be so hard? He slowly put a hand on the boys shoulder.

"Thanks," He mumbled, "Go to class, Ray. I'll be fine, just tired that's all."

Suddenly it hit him. The British accent, tall figure, he was a guy in Ray's english class. It was surprising that he knew Ray's name, considering how anti-social he was.

Ray murmured a goodbye and walked to english, not caring that he was late. The teacher glared at him as he sat in his chair without giving an explanation of why he was late.

Ray didn't care. Now he was thinking of the terrible idea Joel had though up. A blind date, jeez that would not go well. He was awkward enough without having to eat out with strangers.

Ray looked up to see if the teacher was watching and seeing not, he quickly put his earphones in his ears. He had no idea what song was playing but it was better than class.

Ray put his head in his hands and let his eyes droop. Before he knew it there was a hand on his shoulders shaking him awake.

It was the boy, the British one. He smiled cheerily, showing no sign of the sadness before class.

"Come on sleepy head, bells gone, go home!" He said and left Ray to himself. Yawning, he picked up his bag and began the walk home.

When he reached his front door, he could see his dad waiting at for him. The serious look on his face didn't look good. Shit.. Was Ray's only though.

"Where have you been? You're five minutes late, asshole. Now get to your room before you get what's coming," He snarled. Ray scampered off to his room and closed the door behind him.

He couldn't help it, the tears came. He hated his dad acting like that. But after the accident he was always angry. Always yelling. Ray hadn't seen him smile in months.

After a few minutes of silently crying, Ray checked his phone, which had been buzzing nonstop. Joel was sending him smiley faces every second.

Ray replied 'shut up' and Joel finally stopped to give him news: He had found a person willing to give the blind date a try. Fuck.

Try as he might, Ray couldn't get Joel to change his mind. He was already making reservations at a cheap diner. Fuck.

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