Coming Out, But Not Really

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"Okay so date number one is..." Joel paused and grinned smugly at Ray, "Geoff!"

Ray's jaw dropped. No fucking way had he known Ray was gay, he hadn't come out to anyone yet!

"Do you seriously think that your best friend for five years would set you up for blind dates with girls? Man I've know you were gay for like, a year!" Joel told him.

Ray still couldn't believe it, how did Joel know? Why had he pretended he didn't know for so long?

While he stood there opening and closing his mouth like a fish, Joel pretended to yawn and check an invisible watch.

"Dude, seriously how did you know?" Ray whispered furiously, looking around for possible eavesdroppers.

He was sixteen. He had known he was gay since he was fourteen, so that mean Joel had figured out he was gay when he was... fifteen. Ray never had been good at math.

Joel looked at him seriously (for once) and said, "I know these things okay. You never cared when I talked about girls and I've seen you checking out guys."

Ray stopped to think when horrible thought popped into his head; if Joel had noticed, then had other people?

His mind flew to his dad, he had never spoken much about sexuality, it was never something that needed speaking about.

Ray sat down on a nearby bench, feeling slightly sick. What if his dad and were planning to kick him out? What if he doesn't want a gay son? He probably doesn't.

Joel knew something was wrong so he sat down next to his best friend and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, I don't think any less of you man, I still think you suck," He joked, making Ray laugh. Somehow that one comment made him feel a lot better.

He stood up and took a deep breath. "Well come on Joel, tell me about bachelor number one. What was his name again?"

Joel's eyes lit up and he pulled a piece of crumpled paper from his pocket. He had messily scrawled details about 'Geoff' all over it for Ray.

Apparently he is badass but nice, had some tattoos, is eighteen and a gamer. A common interest was good but Ray was picturing a huge buff guy with full tattoo sleeves. Probably a biker.

"I don't think this guy is my type," Ray said, handing back the paper. "He almost sounds scary."

"Don't be a pussy, he's nice, I spoke to him. I spoke to everyone before choosing them," Joel explained. "I wouldn't let you go out with a serial killer, chill!"

"Okay, okay," Ray said putting his hands up in a surrender. "How did you speak to these people anyway?"

"I went on my school email and emailed my number to the whole school saying, 'If you want to go on a kind date with this sixteen year old, text the number!' " Joel grinned.

"Then I spoke to any guys that called, I think there were seven, and asked them questions and stuff to see if they'd be cool."

Ray was shocked that Joel would do something like that all for him. He looked around and then pulled him into a quick hug.

The bell rang for lunch to finish and the final period to begin. Ray had science, his favorite class.

He hadn't noticed before but his secret being out, even to one person, made all the weight on his shoulders he never knew was there, lift.

"You're looking cheerful today, have a good lunch or something?" His lab partner Jack asked.

"No, just feeling pretty good," Ray shrugged. He took the pair of safety goggles Jack handed him and started to set up for the experiment on the board.

He was so engrossed in what he was doing that he didn't even notice Jack was staring at him the whole time.

First notes of the book, yay!
Just a quick sorry this took so long, I'm just too good at procrastinating.
Peace out.

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