$6.50 Bottle of Wine

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"Hello Ray, I forgot you were sleeping over. Well school starts soon so you better wake up," Joel said as he leaned over Ray's bed on the floor to get his shoes. Ray groaned and rolled over to face Joel's alarm clock the the displayed 8:40. That couldn't be right though, school starts at nine.

"Joel, what the fuck? You're waking me up twenty minutes till school starts!" Ray yelled, jumping out of bed and grabbing wildly at his clothes.
"Well you looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you," Joel said tauntingly. He had made sure he was ready on time himself before waking up Ray. Of course.

"Prick," Ray mumbled under his breath as he struggled to find his jeans under a pile of other clothes.
"Now now, don't use that kind of language in this house young man," Joel said.
"Just help me find my clothes would you," Ray sighed and rushed off to the bathroom to wash his face.

They walked out the door together and began to run to the bus stop in an effort not to miss the bus. "I still have no fucking clue why you let me sleep in," Ray said irritably.
"Because to be honest, it was funny watching you run around," Joel laughed.

They turned the last corner onto the street with the bus stop just in time. Just in time to see the bus start and drive away without them. Ray threw up his hands and shoved Joel with mock anger. "Dammit Joel, why am I even friends with you?" He said
"Because without me, you would be a sad, ugly, dateless loser, remember?" Joel replied.

Ray had to give that to him. It was partly true, without Joel he would be dateless. "You just called me good looking," Ray realized.
"What? No I didn't, get real," Joel said and elbowed him in the ribs.
"Ow! No you said without you I'd be ugly so that means you think I'm good looking!" Ray laughed.

Joel scowled and fumbled for words. "No by that I meant that you are okay looking, regular looking!" He argued.
"I'm sorry Joel but I'm taken. I'll put you on the end of my very long waiting list though," Ray teased.

"Pfft, in your gay-ass dreams. Anyway what are we gonna do now since we missed the bus?" Joel asked. It didn't take Ray long to figure out what to do next. "We skip school, duh, idiot," he said.
"Bullshit, like we could get away with that, the school would call our parents," Joel argued.

"They only call at lunch, halfway through the day, until then we're free," Ray said. He was surprising himself how easily a plan to skip school was forming in his mind. He may not be smart or enjoy school that much but he wouldn't skip. Until now.

"But-" Joel began to protest, but Ray shushed him and started walking forward, past the bus stop and down the street. He didn't have any idea where he was going but it felt good to just get away. Joel gave up and ran after Ray, catching up and walking beside him.

"You got any money?" Joel asked, fishing around in his pockets.
"Not a fucking cent, you?" Ray replied.
"Yeah, twenty bucks that was my lunch money and payment for some English thing. What do you want to spend it on?" He asked.

Ray set his mouth in a hard line and walked faster. Joel had to jog to keep up. "What? I just asked where you wanted to spend it?" He asked. Ray stopped abruptly, causing Joel to bump into him. "Over there," Ray said and pointed across the street.

Joel folded his arms and shook his head. "Dude, in case you haven't realized, we aren't old enough to walk into a liquor store and buy alcohol," He said.
Ray stared at him hard, before smiling and pointing again. "We aren't, but he is."

Across the road there was one other person in the deserted street, an old, homeless man, holding a cardboard sign asking for change. Before Joel could say anything, Ray walked quickly across the street and up to the homeless man.

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