Seaside Tears

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Ray walked through his front door to be greeted with his dad, staring at him with fire in his eyes.

"Where have you been?" he growled, balling his hands into fists. Ray gulped and thought frantically.

"I had to see Joel about an assignment," he stammered, looking down at the floor to not display any emotion.

"Yeah right, think i'll fall for that? Better luck next time you little bitch cause if I catch you sneaking out again," he cracked his knuckles, "you better have a real good excuse."

Ray stared daggers at his dad as he ran upstairs an climbed into bed. He broke down crying.

Maybe he was weak, just like his father constantly said. But he couldn't help it, even the strongest have to cry. Ray thought of Geoff and Michael and what they would think of him now.

Geoff would probably find some way to cheer him up and Michael would probably tell him to toughen up and be a man.

Ray pulled his phone out of his pocket and stared at both their contacts. Geoff had put his in Ray's phone himself so it read, 'Coolest dude in the world <3'.

Geoff would know what to do, Ray thought, and sent him text. Not long after a reply came.

"What's up buddy? need advice from the big man?"

Ray quickly typed back a reply.

"Yeah. how can I sneak out tomorrow night?"

"U came to the right guy" Geoff replied and started rattling off ideas. Ray certainly had come to the right guy.

He grabbed a pen and a stray homework sheet from his desk and began writing down ideas on the back. Hopefully he wouldn't need the sheet anytime soon.

It was Saturday. The dates were every night for five days since Friday so he needed three more ways to sneak out for the coming blind dates.

Geoff suggested climbing out his window, locking the bathroom door and playing a recording of a shower running from inside, telling his dad that a family friend want him to come over.

The list was definitely long enough so Ray told Geoff to stop spamming the conversation with random ideas. So random a giant fish was involved in one of them.

"Dude stop now. Where the fuck would I get a giant fish anyway?" Ray sent.

"Ok ok. Damn ur picky." Geoff replied slyly. "Oh and how did the date tonight go???"

Ray hesitated to say it was really good because he didn't want Geoff to think he liked Michael's date better. He finally settled on a reply.

"It was about the same as our date. Fucking brilliant. Only problem is how do I choose between all these great guys"

"Just choose all of us!" Geoff joked, but it caught Ray's attention. Dating more than one person sounded crazy. But at the same time amazing.

Ray imagined going on a date with two people, kissing them both without either getting offended. That would be really cool.

"Hello? Earth to Ray? r u there?" Geoff texted while Ray was dreaming of that life.

"Sorry I was just thinking" he sent back to Geoff.

"About...?" Came the obvious reply.

"What it would be like to date more than one person" Ray answered, wondering if Geoff would think he was crazy or a freak.

"Dude that's a great idea! We could start our own band too!" Geoff texted.

Ray was relieved that Geoff didn't think he was weird but the band part was weird.

They chatted back and fourth about music after that. Ray had no musical talent whatsoever but Geoff said he was a world famous drummer, thought that was extremely hard to believe.

Eventually they decided it was time to stop the conversation and go to sleep. They had been texting each other for ages an it was past midnight.

They sent hearts and kissy faces then both put down their phones an fell asleep.

By the time Ray woke up it was ten in the morning and sun was streaming through his blinds. Although the nights were cold, the weather during the day was sunny.

Ray got out of bed and went to eat breakfast. As he munched on his cereal he decided it would be a good day to go to the beach.

So after breakfast he called Joel and they arranged to meet in half and hour. Ray grabbed his board shorts and towel and headed out the door.

His dad was at work and wouldn't be home until four in the afternoon, so Ray could do whatever he liked until then.

At the beach, Ray and Joel strolled along, running into the waves every now and then and checking out people sun bathing.

"Look it's Barbra!" Joel pointed excitedly at a girl wearing a bright blue bikini reading a magazine.

"Go talk to her man," Ray told his practically drooling friend. Joel looked nervous but took up the challenge.

Ray watched for a bit as Joel walked up to Barbra and they started talking. When it looked like they would be there for a while Ray turned around and went swimming.

The water was cool and refreshing, just what he needed after days of stress. Ray floated on his back, bobbing up and down over the waves.

When he walked back to the shore he saw Joel with his arm around Barbra as she was bawling her eyes out.

Ray walked over to see what was wrong. She was telling Joel something about 'missing him so much' but Ray couldn't tell because she kept hiccuping in the middle of her sentences.

Eventually she wiped her eyes and apologized to Joel for him having to listen to him. "You're really sweet, we should meet again soon," she said, giving him a watery smile.

They said goodbye and then Joel and Ray resumed their strolling. Ray asked what their conversation had been about but Joel shook his head.

"I can't say, Barbra wouldn't want me to," he replied. Although he tried to stay solemn a smile stretched across his face. Barbra was his dream girl.

Ray laughed at Joel's expression as it switched between a straight face to the smuggest grin. Then they burst out laughing and ran to the water.

They swam for ages, until the cold water turned them numb and the waves got too rough to swim in.

They laid on the sand together and ate hot chips they bought at the seaside cafe. "So how have your dates been?" Joel asked.

"Amazing! I owe you so much man," Ray said, and he meant it. He had another to look forward to tonight and he had a feeling this would be just as good as the others.

I just wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone reading this, you're the best.
Also thank you so much for the comments, I love reading them. <3

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