change of plan

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🥞"akito shinonome"
💫"Tsukasa tenma"
🎧"An shiraishi"

Tsukasa pov

Hmm? Let's see what akito do on his daily basis-
Look like he's talking to some girls??! I didn't he was popular among the girls- I always thought he into men- well since he's a big fan of hoshi and all, I guess I assume that he like hoshi in that way or something- wait I getting distracted.. let's see what he discussing with those girls..
🥞"How dare."
🥞"I'll beat the shit outta him if he says those shit about hoshi again."
wow Soo he start he's day talking about hoshi with some girls- I mean it makes sense most of my fanbase are female, hmm why am I stalking akito anyways-? Ever since yesterday where he said that he was too stubborn to leave someone, I guess I wanted to know if he mean it.. haha it feel like I being obsessed on him but of course I not-
Oh it look like he's on the move.
Akito went to the school rooftop and of course I follow him secretly to see what he was up to
🎧"Heya akito!"
🥞"What's up"
🎧"Nothing much, it's just that I found this on your desk"
An pull out a love letter and show it to akito
🎧"I found it on your desk and kinda curious which girl want to confess to you"
🥞"Uhh- is that suppose to be for me??"
🎧"Obviously.. some girl left it on your desk, so it's probably for you"
🎧"I deadass.. I don't know who left it for you- so yeah here you go"
What- someone is trying to confess to akito?? Uhh good for them- I- feel a little upset from it.. wait why am I upset?? I don't love him that way, maybe..
🥞"I'll politely decline."
🎧"What if the girl is pretty??"
🥞"Meh, not interested"
🎧"Okayyy- what your type then?"
🥞"Not sure-"
🎧"Oh c'mon! There has to be something that you into"
🥞"Uhhh...I don't know I can't think"
🎧"Hmm... Someone like hoshi then?"
🥞"What-. are you saying like I gay or something!"
🎧"What, you aren't?"
🥞"Uhh.. I don't know I haven't firgure that out yet-"
🎧"What you mean by that?"
🥞"Well I guess I haven't firgure out if I like men or women yet."
🎧"Ooooh I see, so you haven't found the right person yet! Don't worry I'll sure you found them!"
🥞"Man.. I don't really care to be honest but whatever"
🎧"Whatever your opinion I guess"
🥞"By the way, An are you busy tonight?"
🎧"Let me guess.. hoshi concert?"
🎧"Finee I'll go with you"
🥞"Nice! An your my best friend"
Hmm they going to one of my concert tonight.. hehe I'll suprise him by noticing him on stage
I run off to class

Akito pov

I went outside and look for An. Hm where is she? Oh there she is
🥞"Hey ready to go?"
🎧"Yep! Let's go"
We head over to the concert and as usual there was a lot of people-
Man we got the worse seat.. I can barely see the stage. Thankfully I not that short- I think
🎧"Man.. unlucky- we got the worse seat"
🥞"Whatever.. at least we can still see his performance"
After a minute, hoshi came up on the stage
🎤"Heyyoo everyone!!~☆"
The crowd including me went wild when hoshi appears
🎤"Woahh! There so many people today! let's see if I can see some familiar faces☆☆"
🎧"If he can spotted us, he has good eye then"
🎧"That fruity akito"
🥞"Shut up-"
🎤"Oh? I see a familiar fan, the ginger with the green streaks??"
🎧"what? Actually?"
🎤"Hehe~ great to see someone who always comes to my concert ⁠~⁠♪ anyways let's start this show!"
🎧"Akito stop shaking me!"
🥞"Ah sorry I got excited"
Hoshi start singing on stage as usual he sound amazing.. my heart is beating Soo fast for some reason it's probably because he notice me.. but then why am I shaking so much?? I try calming down then I realized my face is all red-
I have no idea what this feeling is... Is it.. love? Like.. I love Him in that way?? Oh.
I guess gay anyways that not the point.. the point is that I'll keep this feeling to myself because there no way hoshi would date me.. not the way I am right now- maybe if I got popular?

The show ended and we went back home on the way home I look at An and discuss about something
🥞"Hey what if we get popular?"
🥞"Like if we keep performing we'll eventually get recognize"
🎧"Uhh yeah i guess, but it won't be easy"
🥞"Soo..uhh is it impossible to get famous in two weeks?"
🎧"of course that is impossible-"
It does sound stupid and impossible- I mean I not hoping to just get famous so I can date hoshi all I want is to talk with him like a normal human being...
To be honest just saying hi to him will be good enough.
🥞"Uh- what if we get just a little famous-"
🎧"Huh? Why?"
🥞"Well..since your my best I'll just tell you."
🎧"Okay I listening."
🥞"I may or may not..have a slight crush on...hoshi.. and I want to stand near him.. not to get together with him or something- I just wanna talk with him without getting nervous.."
Oh god I probably sound stupid.. welp she'll totally make fun of me.
🎧"Well..I guess if you feel that way then I'll try helping you out"
🥞"Huh? What you gonna make fun of me or something??"
🎧"Nah, I get it you wanna be by your idol sides"
🥞"A rare An being nice?"
🎧"Hey! I can be nice"
🥞"Haha alright alright"
🎧"But I firgure you like men"
🥞"Shut up! By the way keep it a secret okay.."
🎧"Finee it's just between us"
🥞"Good.. and uh thanks.. for wanting to help."
🎧"A rare akito saying thanks??"

"🎧"A rare akito saying thanks??"🥞"SHUT UP"

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The bestie <3

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