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🥞"Akito shinonome"

Akito pov

Hm? Where am I? It look like I was on stage but.. I don't remember going on stage.. there wasn't anyone here and I couldn't move my body for some reason.. I look down and realized I was tied up to a stick.. uh what the hell why can't I talk..?
Suddenly I saw someone approaching this way I slightly lean in to see who it was.. to my suprise. It was hoshi?
He walk Infront of me and stare at me creepyly.. he then pull out a lighter and get closer to where I was tied up..
He gonna burn me.. I rapidly move but it was pointless.. then I can hear hoshi whisper something..
🎤"Your mine and my only.."
I didn't know what he meant by that.. then he throw the lighter at me which causes me to burn I screams in pain but no word or voice could come out

I woke up.. it was just a nightmare.. what a disturbing nightmare
Hm? Oh tsukasa not here.. I guess he woke up earlier than me and go home or something, I stretches my hand and got out of bed.
After doing my daily routine I decided to go to weekend garage..
As walk down the street I hear someone calling my name from behind..
I turn to see who it was and it's some dude I never seen before
??"good morning, are you akito shinonome?"
🥞"I am- what ups?"
??"I wanted to discuss to you about something"
Hmm I have no idea who this guy is.. but he's looks.. brown hair, yellow eyes.. is he the person that was stalking tsukasa? I mean there could be other people with brown hair and yellow eyes.. Soo I probably talking about someone else
🥞"What kind of thing you wanted to discuss about?"
??"it's about hoshi"
Who the hell is this guy.. but he mentioned hoshi and it got my interest..
We sat on the bench near a park it was quite quiet.. I never seen this part of the park
🥞"So uh-.. what did you want to discuss about?"
??"well I just curious on what hoshi see on you"
🥞"What do you mean by that?"
??"well he told me that he met a nice looking ginger boy and I want to know.. why you-"
🥞"How do you know hoshi..? And what your relationship with him?"
??"fufu you can say I a friend of his"
He then took off his brown wig and to my suprise it was rui kamishiro in the flesh-
I was surprised that he came all this way to talk to me about this...
🎈"You look like you saw a ghost"
🥞"Uh- I just speechless right now.. h-how did I even caught hoshi attention.."
🎈"But I thought your da-"
He then stop himself from talking and went silent and then he look at me with confusion
🎈"May I ask, are you in contact with hoshi?"
🥞"Uh no.. i don't even have his number.."
🎈"Hmm i see.."
🥞"Ma-maybe you got the wrong guy?"
🎈"Perhaps I did, haha my apologies"
🥞"Uhh no worries.."
It weird how kamishiro though I was who got close with hoshi.. at my state I couldn't get near to him.. except that one time-
🎈"By the way shinonome, you're quite a good looking fella are you in any relationship recently?"
🥞"H-huh?? What- are you hitting on me or something?"
Kamishiro then lean in a little bit towards me and move his hand to my hair twirling it
I felt nothing on him I push his hand away from my hair
🥞"Sorry not interested.."
🎈"Oh come on give me a chance, usually no ever push away my offer your quite stubborn. I like it when they play hard to get y'know"
🥞"Uhh that not it, I just taken and all"
🎈"They won't know"
🥞"Sorry but I loyal to tsukasa"
🥞"Yeah my boyfriend and he's the greatest person ever I could never replace him"
🎈"Oh that too bad, I really did got interested on you"
🥞"Uhh yeah- anything I should get going now"
🎈"Mhm sorry to bother you"
🥞"Uh d-dont worry about it-.."
I got up and went away from there
I can't believe I actually met kamishiro- but about the hoshi thing.. is it true? Hoshi find me interested..?
I mean last time hoshi did try to kiss me-... Snap out of it akito you're a taken man and a man of my word. I also really liked tsukasa
Time to head to weekend garage.

Tsukasa pov

I felt so bad leaving before akito could wake up- but I was late at one of my rehearsal
Oh well I sure akito get it. It sure is hard being an idol..
Hm? I got a text- it's from rui...
"How interesting that akito shinonome doesn't know he's dating hoshi"
What- how did he know about me and akito dating-..
He send another text
"I wonder how will he react knowing that his beloved tsukasa tenma is actually his favorite idol.?"
I felt anxious from this.. how did rui know?? W-what is he planning..
I quickly reply to his text
"Rui! Let's talk about this... Your not gonna tell akito I hoshi right..?"
I felt more anxious than ever watching him texting..
"If I did what would you do?"
How do I respond to that.. I can't do anything to him I don't have evidence or anything to stop him..
I responded
"What do you want! I do anything!"
Without thinking about the consequences.. after what feel like forever
He responded..

"Then I want you to break up with him."

(guys don't hate me for making rui the villain and all I just felt like it 🥺 also he didn't came home Soo)

(guys don't hate me for making rui the villain and all I just felt like it 🥺 also he didn't came home Soo)

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Poor akito he didn't know that rui was tsukasa stalker

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