who is tsukasa

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🥞"akito shinonome"
💫"Tsukasa tenma"
🎧"An shiraishi"
☕"Toya aoyagi"

Akito pov

Yesterday.. tsukasa was acting very unusual.. he was acting like hoshi...to be honest, I guess I don't really know him that well hmm
I rush over to An classroom
🎧"Hm? Akito whatchu want?"
🥞"Are you busy tonight??"
🎧"Unfortunately yes- I am quite busy"
🎧"What the occasion?"
🥞"Uhh nothing bye!"
I rush out of her classroom, damn it where am I gonna find a partner for this mission..
Oh! I know
I headed to the library
☕"Hm? Akito?"
🥞"Are you busy tonight??"
☕"Not really, why?"
🥞"Good! That mean you're coming with me"
☕"Huh? Where?"
🥞"Just meet me back in school tonight"
☕"Huh why in school? Your not planning anything dangerous right.."
🥞"Uhh don't worry about that! Just meet me here tonight!"
☕"Sigh.. fine"
🥞"Alright! See ya!!"

Later that night...
I went to the school and saw toya already waited for me
🥞"Alright let's go in"
☕"You didn't answer my question.."
🥞"Oh uh..well.. we here to..break In the principal office"
☕"What why?!?"
🥞"I need to check on someone file.. now come on"
☕"This seems wrong but I can't let be alone on this.."
We passed the security guard and went straight to the principal office.
And of course the door is lock-
🥞"Well crap.. now what-"
☕"You didn't thought that ahead Huh-"
☕"Move aside.."
I move away from the door and toya beginning using his power to pick the door
☕"There.. alright akito you go do whatever you came to do, I'll stay out here watch for security"
🥞"Thanks toya! I know I can count on you partner!"
I rushed inside the office and begin searching for the student file..
Ugh where is it?? Why there so many teachers file.. ah! Here it is the students file
Tsukasa tenma file
This file is particularly empty... What the heck.. ugh
Is like he invisible or something.
I guess that why he said "you'll eventually leave like the other" he must have been lonely
Damn it tsukasa why are you Soo mysterious..
I sat down the principal seat and think what should I do..I saw something caught my eye beneath the principal desk
🥞"Huh, what is this?"
It has hoshi name on it..

I took the file and check it..hoshi used to school here..He was also a top student
Hm this page say "private information on the next one"
It feel wrong to invade hoshi privacy like this.. but then again- I wanna confirm if hoshi and tsukasa is somewhat related or something.
I hesitate to open the page..then I got a sudden phone call, it startle me and the ringtones was loud. In a panic I took the file and got up run to toya and grab him out of the school
Shoot.. the security guard might have heard all those noise, I grab toya hand and we headed to one of those classroom.
Who the hell is calling me at this time-
I look at the missed call and it was from tsukasa. I took a deep breath and call him back
🥞"Hello? Tsukasa? Why did you called?" I whisper
💫"Oh, I was wondering if you're busy tonight?"
🥞"Uh.. yeah yeah- I free"
💫"Do you wanna go to a hoshi concert with me?"
🥞"Uhh...sure I would love too-"
💫"Alright! I'll see you then! I text you the location by the way☆"
🥞"Alright.. I'll check it later"
I hung up the phone.. I look at the file at my hand and wonder if I should take a look on it or not? I felt a sudden guilt overwhelming me.
🥞"Hey toya."
☕"What is it?"
🥞"Do you think I should take a look on the file?"
☕"Personally.. no- because it's a invasion of privacy and sometime, some thing are better kept a secret"
🥞"You do have a point..but- I really curious about these mystery.. what if tsukasa is actually hoshi?"
☕"Well that is something I not so sure about but.. if he was he tell us when he feel comfortable about it and right now, forcing out of what may seen the truth is wrong"
🥞"So you saying I should wait?"
☕"Well of course we can't assume and we also can't invasion someone privacy like this"
🥞"...damn. you're right toya.."
☕"C'mon let's put the file back"
It was silly of me to assume that tsukasa is hoshi, beside he can't be hoshi. There no way anyone could be as flawless as hoshi so tsukasa he's not hoshi.. I don't know where I assume that- but I am curious on why he's acting like hoshi..
We sneakily headed back to the principal office and put the file back and headed back outside.
☕"Maybe next time you should tell me who file were you checking first.."
🥞"Oh yeah my bad- thanks anyway"
☕"If you want to do something stupid like this, I'll always be available for it"
🥞"Appreciate it! Anyways I'll see ya later now!!"

We went our separate way and I went where tsukasa said there was gonna be a hoshi concert,
Wait is there concert today?? I don't remember any..then where is this location? I took a look around and there was a stage and all but I didn't see anyone- I went Infront of the stage, maybe I early? I texted tsukasa saying where is he. He didn't respond.
Suddenly the stage lit up and hoshi appear and start singing..
I was shocks and confused- w-why is hoshi performing all of the sudden?? Is this real?.
He stop mid way on his and saw me
🎤"Huh? Hey there why are you doing on my practice stage?"
Crap.. I nervous again.. what should I say? What should I do-
🎤"Wait a minute! Aren't that ginger that always come to my concert??"
🎤"Woah! I never seen an og fan before"
Hoshi walk towards me sit down on the stage facing me
🎤"I have some free time, so tell me why are you here?"
🥞"O-one of my friend.. told me to c-come here."
🎤"Huh? Why?"
🥞"I-i think he gave me the wrong location o-or something.."
🎤"Hahaha! You poor thing! You probably so confused"
Hoshi laugh for abit, and then there was this awkward silent..
He so sparkling up close..I can feel my heart beating so fast, he was so close too..
🎤"My apologies for laughing. This must have been fate that brought us here,"
He move his hand on my face, and I felt like my heart is gonna explode.. what- should I do.. I can see him get closer to me Abit.
🎤"Has anyone ever told you.. how handsome you are?"
I can see him leaning in towards me.. I- wanted to lean in aswell but.. I suddenly remember tsukasa all the sudden.. I pull back away..
🥞"I sorry.. but I should get going now-"
🎤"Oh. Sorry about that! It's was probably uncool of me-"
🥞"Uh- d-dont worry about it.."
🎤"Haha okay then! Soo will I be seeing you on my concert?"
🥞"Of course I your number 1 fan"
🎤"WOOO! Thanks God I was worry there!"
He hug me happily
🎤"Alright I should get back to practice! See ya!"
🥞"Uh- see ya"
He stood up and run off
.. and I exited the place. Why did I pull away? I thought I was in love with hoshi?
It just.. I suddenly remember tsukasa? And it stop me Somehow-
Welp it can't be helped.. I guess I missed a opportunity like this- I need to tell An what happened!
I wonder what happen if I did lean in and kiss him? Oh I got a text from tsukasa..

"Ahhh sorry I didn't check the date! The concert is tomorrow... I sorry!!😭😭😭"

"Hey tsukasa, Can we meet up..?"

(Wth! Future me??? Why is this chapter GRRR frustrated!! Anyways another chapter finish💔💔💔 I have no idea how this will end🥲)

(Wth! Future me??? Why is this chapter GRRR frustrated!! Anyways another chapter finish💔💔💔 I have no idea how this will end🥲)

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