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I've never loved a word so much,
So much as I loved the word "Tender."

Nothing special is in the way it sounds,
Neither is it in the way it's written,
Yet still I remain smitten over "Tender"
Like it's simply one of a kind.

Tender is a name for a parent's love for their child.
How they brought you into this world,
Hoping and praying for only the best.
Providing you a light during cold, dark nights.

The same way friends chatter silly,
As they share the same dreams.
Friends who are part of one soul,
Have had history and are blessed with a tomorrow at each other's side.

And notoriously how lovers vow to one another.
To have and to hold,
For better or for worse,
To love and to cherish,
Till death do them apart.

Tender is a word I love,
Because it is a gift shared and not demanded.

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