Splendor Island

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Around an hour or two later after, they found themselves at an island that had grand, white stone buildings that had gold paint outlines. But what really stood out was the huge, temple-like building that was a couple minutes due north of a beautiful cliff that overlooked a sandy white cove with stunningly clear waters. The Straw-hats docked their ship there, hidden from Marine ships or bounty hunters. The crew spent a while playing on the beach, making sandcastles and swimming.
Koby did want to swim, but he didn't think it was fair for him to swim if Luffy couldn't. Um.. Chopper, Brook and Robin too.
So he was digging a hole to fill with water for Luffy's giant pirate ship Usopp had helped him build.
He leaned back, scooping the last bit of sand into the pile where it was gathered and stretched.
"Hey, Luffy sure is taking his time getting the water, isn't he?" Koby said thoughtfully to Usopp, who didn't hear him.
He sighed and turned back towards the shoreline, and his eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw Luffy sink into the waves.
"LUFFY!" Koby immediately was up on his feet and racing toward the sea, diving in. He saw the others stand up suddenly from the corner of his eye, but he was underwater in the next second. Dammit, Luffy-san! Why are you so brash sometimes.. I cant believe the man who saved me drowns this easily! No way! He opened his eyes, the salt stinging them terribly. But Koby had to find Luffy. He needed to make sure that he didn't drown. Man, that would be lame, The Future King Of The Pirates drowning. Dang it! I gotta find this adorable idiot!
Searching desperately in the water near the spot Luffy had sank, he flailed around until his fingers brushed a hand soft yet rubbery.
Propelling himself toward Luffy, he wrapped one arm around the pirate and held him close as he pushed himself upward until he broke the surface, gasping for breath and treading water while clutching Luffy to his chest.
"Luffy! Luffy, are you okay?!" Koby yelped, and Luffy weakly grinned as he turned his head toward the Marine.
"The water stole my bucket." He rasped in Koby's ear, who pulled him even closer in relief and buried his head in Luffy's shoulder once he was able to stand in the water again.
"You scared me!" Koby huffed at Luffy, who was now vomiting seawater down the Marines back, and Koby didn't even care. He was just so relieved, while the rest of the pirates shrugged and sat back like this happened on a daily basis.
Actually, it probably did, considering it's Luffy.
Wrapping the other arm under Luffy's legs, he carried him like a toddler up to the towel that he'd laid out previously.
"Please, be more careful. You ate a devil fruit, Luffy-san." Koby fretted as he placed his friend gently on the peach towel, kneeling down in order to do so.
"I'm fine!" Luffy beamed at him, even though there was sand all on his face and he was soaking wet, shivering slightly.
"You may be okay right now, but what if nobody was there to save you?" Koby sighed and gave up. He turned around and rummaged in the large bag nearby for another towel, handing it to Luffy.
"Koby! I wanna go back in the water! This is so unfair.. I wanna swim too!" He scowled in the most adorable, childlike way.
"Um.. maybe if we find some floaties, then you can put those on and I'll hold onto you to make sure you don't float away." Koby responded, once again going through the bag.
"A-ha!" Koby emerged triumphant with three floaties, two for Luffy's arms and one for his waist.
"Is this gonna work?" Koby muttered to himself, then started to blow up the floaties. Once he had finished, Luffy held out his arms, and Koby pushed them up on him.
He had to stifle a laugh.
"L- pfft.. Luffy-san, you look.." Koby snickered a little, taking the sight in of the Future Pirate King with a very serious expression wearing pink ducky floaties.
"LETS GO SWIM!" Luffy cheered and ran off.
"AGH- LUFFY-SAN, WAIT! WE NEED TO GO IN TOGETHER-" Koby yelped, and chased after him into the water.
Robin watched with amusement, and sipped the iced tea Sanji had made her. She turned toward Nami, who was sunbathing beside her in a lawn chair.
"Those two are quite the pair, hm?"


At lunchtime, Nami called everyone together to eat and discuss the island culture, disguises and supplies-gathering.
"Okay. So Brook and I will go shop for outfits and disguises for the masquerade ball tonight. And you guys WILL wear them. Theres going to be a big costume contest and whoever wins gets five thousand Beli. So one of you will win. Got that?"
The crew nodded.
"Hm.. Chopper, Franky, you go with Sanji to pick up supplies." Nami paused thoughtfully. "And then that leaves Koby, Robin, Usopp, Luffy and Zoro. How about this; Zoro, Robin and Usopp watch the ship? Koby, could you take Luffy with you and watch him for us? Im sorry to make you do this, but he can get into trouble with over a hundred different ways." Nami sighed.
"Of course. I'd love to spend time with Luffy." He responded quietly, and took a drink of water.
"So everything is settled! Sanji-kun, you can serve everyone lunch now." Nami said, snapping shut her map of the island.
Blackleg placed a large centerpiece in the middle of the table that was filled with different hör' de vors, like small pieces of intricately sliced meat, chocolates, strawberries and cut melons.
Luffy reached over to snatch a handful of meat, but Nami slapped his arm sharply.
"Oww! What was that for?!" He cried, and went to Koby. "Koby, Nami hit me!"
"Oh- Im sure she didn't mean to hurt you, she just doesn't want you to reach over and grab food yet." Koby said kindly, gently patting Luffy's shoulder.
"Don't just snatch food like that!" The Cat Burglar seethed. "You're lucky I didn't knock you in the head!"
"sorry, nami.." Luffy mumbled, still eyeing the meat, so Koby grabbed the pair of tongs and started to put a few pieces onto his plate.
"Hey! Thanks, Koby!" Luffy beamed at the Marine, and instantly melted him.
"Um.. anything for you, Luffy-san." Koby whispered softly, and smiled.
Nami sighed, but quickly got over it when Sanji placed a decadent orange chicken dish with some sort of pea and rice In front of everybody, who dug in after a quick thank-you.
Koby was astonished at how delicious it was, and Luffy grinned at him, said, "I told you, Sanji is the best chef ever!"
"Yeah, I think he must be. This is so good!" Koby forced himself to slow down before he ate it all.
"Well, theres plenty for everyone." Blackleg said, grinning at him.
"Um.. say, can I ask why you all joined Luffy-san's crew?" Koby asked after a brief hesitation, and the others looked up.
"Yeah! Of course. We didn't have much time to catch up at Water 7, huh?" Nami smiled at him.
"Well, we all joined to chase our dreams." Usopp said fondly, and sighed.
"I know that Zoro joined to become the worlds greatest swordsman, right?" Koby said, glancing at every
"Thats right. And I joined to draw a world map."
"I joined to be a brave warrior of the sea, just like my old man!"
"I joined to find the All Blue."
"I joined to travel the world with my friends so I can honor Doctors wishes!"
"I joined to find the Rio Poneglyph and discover the secret pf the Void Century."
"I joined to see the Thousand Sunny cross the entire world and help the Future Pirate King on his journey."
"Yohoho! And I joined to fulfill my promise to a whale I met named Laboon fifty years ago."

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