lazy days | tartaglia x female!reader

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Warnings  | smut

Childe laid back on the couch. His arms resting behind his head as he closed his eyes. Euphoria erupting through his entire body as y/n's hands splayed across his bare stomach. Her legs straddling his waist as her dripping cunt engulfed his twitching, hard dick.

Days like this, he didn't mind sitting back and letting y/n do all the work. It felt too good after all. To just relax and feel every inch and curve her inner walls provide his throbbed length.

"A- ajax," she whined above him which caused him to crack an eye open. A lazy smirk resting on his lips.

"Whats wrong, sweet girl?"

She pouted as she leant forward a bit. Her legs stopping there rhythmic bounces as she resulted in his grinding his length up into her. Her hips thrusting back and forth slowly.

"Legs, my legs are too tired."

She whined for him again and he let pit a soft chuckle as he scooted back a bit so he was sitting up against some cushions on the couch. His hands coming up to rest against bare and smooth hips.

"Aww, want me to take over?"

She nodded, tears pricking the corners of her eyes as her thighs started to burn.

He chuckled again and easily lifted her before pushing her back down onto his cock. Her walls convulsing around him as he set a new hard yet slow pace as to leviate the stress put on her legs.

"My sweet girl is so cute," he breathed out. His upper body leaning up and forward more so his lips could reach her own.

He liked simple and lazy days like this. But he still wanted a family, though that could always wait until tomorrow.

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