untitled, untitled 2, and untitled 3

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i'm a poet in the sense that i write poetry.

god awful poetry that doesn't rhyme or make sense.

my poetry is nothing more than words on a screen,

formatted in a way that seems like stanzas.

tricks your brain.

i couldn't even be bothered to title this mess.

im not a poet.

im a





this isn't a poem.

its just words.

untitled 2:

i'm a poet in the sense that i write poetry.

not traditional poetry, with clever rhymes, and fancy grammar.

just pretty words.

the reason you like my work is because my words are pretty.

i'm not good at poetry;

i'm good at sounding pretty.

and when i die you'll look at my poems,

you'll comment on how pretty they are.

and years later,

when you look at them again,

you'll realize that that's all they are.

untitled 3:

i meticulously twist my words,

my language.

my poetry is just that.


expertly twisted into a way that makes you fall to your knees.

you'll look up at me,

beg me to write more.

my lies,

my tricks,

will swell in your mind,

muffle your better judgment.


never stop listening.

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