falling + requited

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i wasn't planning on posting another poem today, but today is me and my platonic husbands friendiversary and i wanted to post these poems i wrote for them <3


my love for you was never romantic.

that goes without saying.

but it doesn't change the fact that i fell for you.

maybe fallen is the wrong word.

its not strong enough.

what i feel for you is strong and undeniable.

almost harsh.

perhaps i violently tripped and plummeted for you.

plummeted into platonic love.

but its also soft and sweet.

its comfort itself.

maybe tripped and i floated.

drifted down a rabbit hole for you,

just the way alice did.

well, maybe it doesn't matter what i call it.

i love you.

and thats all that matters.


i'm not used to being loved back.

romantic, platonic,

it never mattered.

it was never quite unrequited,

but it close.

i was the second choice.

no one needed me like i needed them.

i was used to it.

it was familiar,

almost comforting.

but you,


you changed that.

you're my first choice,

and you make me feel like yours.

a new feeling i'm not used to.

it rots my soul backwards.

pulls the rust from my bloodstream.

it's the only feeling i wanna feel.

the feeling of you loving me the way i love you. 

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