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It was a typical day at 221 B Baker Street. Sherlock was on a case, with the help of you of course, and it was more nerve-racking than ever. 

A man was going around London and leaving parts of his victims everywhere on people's doorsteps. Of course you could identify the victims right away, but you couldn't catch the killer/deliverer. You were currently sitting on the couch with Sherlock pacing and thinking in front of you (which didn't help you what-so-ever) while you chewed your lip nervously, trying to think as well. 

Sherlock, all of a sudden, went to the door quickly, put on his illustrious coat and scarf, and told you he was going to be out for a bit to shop for things he needed for his experiment. This was a casualty, so you just nodded and went along with you thinking. 

Suddenly, it hit you, it was 10:00 and you were all along in the flat, even Mrs. Hudson wasn't there. Now you started to pace and every minute seemed to be an hour and every hour seemed to be days. Finally, at around 12:00, Sherlock was back from his trip that took way to long. 

While, he was setting down the things he got for his new experiment, you wondered in the kitchen behind him, and quickly hugged him. Kind of surprised by this action, Sherlock froze, but soon realized that he left you alone in the night with no-one around to keep you company except the stars. He proceeded to quickly engulf you in his arms and mutter sweet nothings in your ear. "I'm so sorry for leaving you (Y/N), I..I didn't think before I went out. I won't do it again, I pinkie -promise." 

He gently took you out of his embrace, and took your hand softly into his and led you to the bedroom you both shared. He led you to your side of the bed and he quickly got changed in pajamas, and joined you. You instantly curled up so Sherlock and clung to him for dear life, while he stroked your hair. He kissed you on the lips lightly, the proceeded to kiss you on your forehead, and finally your nose. Sherlock wrapped you up, almost like you were a caterpillar in a cocoon, and you both fell asleep to each-other's heartbeats. 

It's only once in a lifetime where you meet the person that can match you step-for-step and heartbeat for heartbeat, but you've found that person. His name is Sherlock Holmes. 

Sherlock x reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now