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Hey guys... I kind of feel bad for leaving all of you hanging, but the end of the year got really stressful :( 

But, in better news, it is now summer!! Which means I can update a lot more now. Thanks to everyone that has stuck around, and I hope you enjoy this new one-shot! 


"UGGHH!!" You groaned. 

Some bastard just decided to hit you with that evil red shell in Mario Kart for the umpteenth time, just as you were about to cross the finish line. This was not going as you had planned. 

In your fit of rage, you decided to just turn off your Wii in the middle of the game and just sulk on the couch. This, of course, is the moment your boyfriend walked in. 

He would be lying if he said that the scene in front of him wasn't  absolutely adorable. You were on the couch with your knees pulled up to your chest while your arms were crossed over your chest, and you had a pout on your lip with your eyebrows furrowed. 

Smirking slightly, Sherlock made his way over to you. Flopping down next to you and kissing your temple, it was time for him to investigate why you looked so adorably mad. 

"(Y/N), you want to tell me why you look like someone just stripped you of your pride?" He asked with a slight smirk. 

'Because someone just did,' you thought, but instead of gracing your partner with an answer, you just sent him a glare, not wanting to talk about the incident at hand. 

"Oh, come on love, it couldn't be that bad, now could it?" He said while he ran his hand through your hair. 

"Yes! It is that bad! Some dickhead hit me with the fudging red shell from hell in Mario Kart and took away my 10-run streak of being number one!" You said sticking your bottom lip out even more. 

Sherlock, trying not to laugh, kisses your protruding lip, and replied with, "Darling, you realize this is just a game, right?" 

You sent him another glare, and then the best thought struck you, "If you think it's just a game, how about you play against me?" 

Sherlock quirked an eyebrow at this challenge, "Oh you are so on!" 

Several hours of you winning later, Sherlock had finally had enough. "You know that wasn't fair!" Sherlock yelled in frustration. 

You looked over at your boyfriend who now had disheveled hair and a look of pure betrayal on his face. "Babe, you realize it's just a game don't you?" You said with a sly smirk on your face while you paraphrased what he had said earlier. 

Instead of trying to reply with something very sarcastic, he decided to sulk on the couch, just as you did hours ago. Pulling his knees to his chest and curling up in a ball on the opposite side of the sofa, he quietly said, "But, it's just not fair..." 

Now trying your hardest not to laugh, you went over and squatted down in from of him. Rubbing his arm affectionately you said, "Aww, darling, don't feel bad. A lot of people lose against me, it's not just you." 

Glaring at you, he replied, "That doesn't help." 

"What can I do to make it up to you?" You said, kind of feeling bad for making him feel like this, but mostly just trying not to laugh at his child-like behavior. 

"... you can cuddle with me..." He said abashed while a small blush graced his face. 

Smiling sweetly, you tapped his legs to symbolize for him to move over. You then proceeded to lay down and hug his torso while you rest your head in the crook of his neck. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you impossibly closer while he nuzzled his face in your hair and smile almost immediately. 



"You want to play best 8 out of 12 when we're done here?" 

Giggling a little, you replied, "Be prepared to get your ass whooped." 

Sherlock x reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now