Lets Just Stay

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You woke up in your's and Sherlock's bedroom, quick to realize that a pair of lean muscular arms were around you, holding you close. You couldn't help but to smile at the affection, and you proceeded to slowly turn over, trying not to wake him up as much as possible. Once turned over, you couldn't help but to feel adoration for how adorable he liked.

He was peaceful, which was honestly rare with him. Since he goes out and solves crimes all the time, he barely gets any sleep, which worries you at moments. You couldn't tell yourself the amount of times you've begged him to follow you to bed, and at least just get an hour or even a bloody minute of sleep.

Sherlock started to stir in his sleep. You knew he was about to open his eyes. As if on queue, you saw those beautiful irises staring back at you. A smile started to grow on his face.

"You watchin' me in my sleep?"
You blushed a little bit, smiling. "Maybe..."

He was smiling once again, and instead of replying he just kissed your nose and pulled you in closer to his warm body. He rested his chin on the top of your head; you enjoyed the feeling of his warm body and nuzzled your face into his chest.

While stroking your hair he said, "I really don't want to get up love, I just want to lie here and hold you."
"Well your in luck because all I want to do is have you hold me."

A few hours later you were now sitting up in the bed and reading a book. Sherlock came in with your favorite drink. You looked up from your book, "Aww, thank you sweetheart."

He handed you the drink and you gladly took a sip of it. Setting the cup on the bedside table, you started enjoying your book again. Not noticing that Sherlock didn't leave, you almost panicked when you felt the other side of the bed dip down because of the added weight. You didn't look up though, knowing it was Sherlock.

He proceeded to get under the sheets with you and he slid down to where his head was level with your stomach. He moved over to you and lightly kissed your stomach, and nuzzled his head into it while in the process of wrapping his arms around you.

Looking up from your book, you grinned at Sherlock, and started running your fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp ever so lightly. You heard a sigh of pleasure, so you put your book down for the final time, just giving up on reading completely, and focused on Sherlock.

You rested your head back on your pillow, and just continued to stroke his head.

"I love you (Y/N), I truly do, and I have enjoyed spending most of my day with you. I can't help but to feel lost without you, and I'm eternally grateful that I have you by my side, even though I may not show it 24/7. Please, don't ever leave me."

"Sherlock, how could you ever think of me leaving you!? Of course I will stay with you, I would never think of leaving, no matter how much you annoyed or angered me. I love you Sherlock, you are my heart and soul, and I'm eternally grateful that you love me, and tolerate me day in and day out."

Sherlock lifted his head and looked at you, after staring in adoration for a few minutes, he leaned in a kissed you lovingly. After you both pulled away, he rested his head back on your stomach, you continued to stroke his hair, and that's how you both fell asleep that night.

If you weren't sure of anything you were sure of this, you would never leave Sherlock for as long as you both shall live.

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