The Boy Upstairs (Teenlock)

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Well, it was now the end of the world, at least yours. You were moving away from your friends, family, and the house you've stayed in most of your life. Apparently your dad got this promotion, and it required him to move all the way to frick-frackin' London. You had to go to Kingsbury High School (actual place in London, I looked it up), which then, you had to wear a uniform which was a crested jumper, a tie in blue and gold, and some plain black shoes... You hated it to say the least. 

Pulling up in a taxi, you were now at your new home. 221B Baker Street, if only you knew then what your life was going to be like when you walked through that door. 

Your new landlady met you at the door, Mrs. Hudson was it? Anyway, she was a lovely woman and made sure to tell you that she wasn't your housekeeper, drilling it into your head almost every five minutes. 

After she had finally left, you were going around, getting acquainted with your new home, 221C, until your parents came in and informed you that you were going to meet your neighbors in the next hour, so you needed to get ready for this... 'meeting' of sorts. Going in your room and putting on your favorite outfit, you went into your living room, waiting on the couch for your neighbors to eventually show. 

After about forty-five minutes of waiting, you finally heard the knock that you were expecting for those agonizing minutes. 

Your parents opened the door together, and they were greeted by four people; two adults and two teens, though one looked to be in his late teens, early twenties, and the other looked to be around your age. Your parents shook their hands politely and invited them in for tea, and eventually dinner. 

The family of four came in and were surprised to see you on the couch. "I guess it's time to introduce myself." you thought as you rose from your comfortable position with an almost fake smile plastered on your face. 

"Hello, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), it's nice to meet you..." You said while standing there awkwardly wondering if you should shake their hands or not. 

"Hi, I'm Mrs. Holmes, this is my husband, Mr. Holmes as you could have presumed, and these are my two boys... boys, introduce yourselves." With a groan of displeasure from the youngest and a sharp look from the oldest, they introduced themselves. 

"Hello, my name is Sherlock Holmes, but please do just call me Sherlock. It's a pleasure to meet you (Y/N)." He also said this with the fake smile you had only minutes before. 

"Yes, well I'm Mycroft Holmes, I'm so terribly sorry for the way Sherlock is acting, he always does this..." Mycroft said, with another scowl pointed towards his brother. 

"Oh no, he's fine, I'm not a huge fan of dinner parties either, so all is understandable. Would you like to take a seat?" 

"Yes, thank-you." Mrs. Holmes said in reply for all four of them. 

As they took a seat on the couch, your parents came back in with the tea. You decided since you didn't want to hang around the adults anymore, that you were going to try to make friends with this Sherlock. So going up to him and whispering in his ear you said, "I have a chemistry set in my room that needs to be built, would you like to help me?" He beamed at your question because much like you he didn't want to be around the adults, so in reply he just nodded yes, and you led him to your room. 

Your room was the last one in that crammed hall-way. You opened the door for you and Sherlock to enter, and quickly head over to your bed, where you sat the chem set down last, and picked it up and brought it to the middle of the floor in-front of your bed. Sitting down on the hardwood floor, you began to open it up and soon, Sherlock was sitting right next to you, eager to get started on building it. 

Now that you were almost done, you looked at Sherlock and couldn't help but to smile at his smile. You had to admit, he was pretty dang sexy. The cheek bones, those eyes that looked like they had the answers to the universe, and those freaking lips.... "I wonder what they ta-... NO (Y/N)! DO NOT BE THINKING THESE THOUGHTS RIGHT NOW!" Now you were blushing uncontrollably, and Sherlock of course noticed this. 

"Why are you blushing (Y/N)."

"Oh, no reason..." You said two octaves, too high, which caused you to blush even more because now Sherlock looked at you expectantly with a smirk on his face. 

"You know you can tell me what's making you blush, and if I may be as bold as to say that you look really adorable when you're blushing...." He said with a now even bigger grin. 

You were on fire, call 999 (I hope this is right), because you were about to internally combust and all there is going to be left is ashes. Covering your face with your hands, you turned your back to him because you simply couldn't take it anymore. Not expecting what came next, you jumped a little when you felt someone gently grasp your hands. 

It was Sherlock, he was now in-front of you, trying to gently pry your hands from your face. 

"You don't have to hide from me... I don't bite..." He said smiling adorably at you. 

"I-I'm sorry, I just don't usually feel... this way about anyone... and I-I'm a little embarrassed." 

Sherlock was beaming. "Well, I'm glad you feel the same way as me." 

You quickly found yourself leaning in towards him, now only inches apart. You could feel his warm, shallow breathes as they hit your face and sent chills up and down your spine. You gently closed your eyes and you both locked lips. It was everything and more, you couldn't describe the way he made you feel.... It was just so overwhelming! Finally taking a break, you both were heavily breathing, still looking into each-others eyes, you worked up the courage to stand-up. Gently grabbing Sherlock's hand, you led him to the bed. 

You climbed onto the bed, beckoning Sherlock to join you. Climbing on the bed, slightly worried because he didn't know what you were doing, he was relieved to find out that all you wanted to do was cuddle him. Both of you laying down now, you slid over to Sherlock and rested your head on his chest. Sherlock draped his arm over you to bring you closer to him; kissing your forehead, he rested his head on yours. You both stayed like that for as long as you could, knowing you would have to part in the near future, but you couldn't help but to think.... "London is not going to be that bad..." 


Hey guys! I just want to say thank you for reading this book, it actually means a whole lot to me to wake up and see that you've voted and commented. You all say the most wonderful things! 

Well... other than to say thank you. I wanted to know if you wanted a part two on this one-shot? Or even a book. I personally like teenlocks, and there are so few out there. So, just tell me what you think, even if it is just one person that tells me their thoughts it is much appreciated. 

Thanks, and always remember... Live life to the fullest, and enjoy every second, and most importantly HAVE A NICE DAY!! :D 

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