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"(Y/N)!!! Darling, I have splendorous news!" Sherlock exclaimed while he hauled his sexy butt up the stairs.

"Yes dear, what is it?" You said, trying not to smile at his boyish grin.

"I want to take you somewhere! Pack your things right now! We'll leave as soon as you're finished." Sherlock was now pushing you in the direction of your shared bedroom.

"Sher... what is this all about?" You said bewildered at this point.

"Don't worry about it love, just pack your things at once!"

Complying with his request, you got your suitcase out, not knowing how long you both would be gone, and started packing all the essentials.

"..Oh! Dear, pack a large amount of warm clothes, you're going to need them."

Well, since you lived in London, that wasn't a hard request, but that got you to start wondering more on where you were going. Judging by Sherlock's demeanor, it was somewhere you've never been.

After finally putting in the last of what you had to pack, you walked out the bedroom to Sherlock pacing back in forth in anticipation.

"Ah! Finally! Come now!" He said grabbing your free hand and practically dragging you out of 221 B.

Once outside, you look ahead, and there sat a Land Rover Evoque. It was a shiny maroon color, with black rims. Though, instead of standing, adorning this car, you were now more curious than you have ever been.

"Sherlock, where exactly are we going again?"

"That, my dear, is for I to know and you to find out." He said, cheekily grinning while he grabbed your suit case and threw it in the back.

Getting in on the passengers side of the car, Sherlock got in, buckled-up, and the next thing you knew you were headed to an unknown location.

About an hour into the journey, you became bored, so you decided to spark up and conversation with the one and only consulting detective.


"Yes love?" He said, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I know this may sound a little needy, but why did you ever fall in love with me. You literally have almost ever girl in the country swooning over you, begging for your attention. So, why give it to me?"

"Oh, darling. if only you knew the way my heart flutters for you every-time I see your face light up with that adorable smile. Or how my emotions fluctuate with yours. I can't help but to feel sickened by just the mere thought of you shedding a single tear, and I can't help the way that adrenaline courses through my veins when you look at me with those beautiful, (E/C), eyes. If only you knew how much I love you. So, don't feel like I chose you just because you were the one that appealed to me the most, know that I chose you because you cause emotions to surge from me in an incomprehensible way, not even I can fully explain the way you make me feel. For that darling, I owe you everything and more."

You shed a few tears at his little speech. You don't believe that you could feel more loved than you do right now, and you were okay with that. Reaching over the console, you took Sherlock's hand in yours and intertwined both of you fingers. He lightly skimmed his thumb over your knuckles. Looking away form the road for a brief moment, he looked in your eyes and gave you the most genuine smile.

Freeing his hand from yours, he wiped the tears from your face with the pads of his thumbs. Finding your hand, he interlocked your fingers once again, and continuously swirled his thumb on the back of your hand, making it feel like he was creating a masterpiece.

Content now, you only had one more question for this sleuth of yours.

"Are we there yet!?"

Chuckling a little at your childish comment he replied. "No darling, it will be a few hours until we reach our final destination."

"Okay, well, I'm going to take a nap."

Laying over on your arm, which was on the console, you curled up in your seat and fell asleep, still holding on to Sherlock's hand, making sure to never let go.

You woke up, hours later. Looking up from your position, which caused your arm to go numb, you looked out the window to see that you were completely surrounded my evergreen trees and snow.

"Okay, Sherlock, seriously, where are we?"

"A long way from home (Y/N), a long way from home..."

Now on a stone path, you were pulling up the drive-way to a log cabin, which was utterly beautiful.

It had two chairs on the front porch, which had two wooden steps leading into it. It had a fire-pit made of stones, that look like it came form the surrounding area, and it had a little window in the front that you could see the kitchen from. It was breathtaking to say the least.

"You like it? Our parents used to bring us out here, Mycroft and I, while we were on holiday."

"It's... it's wonderful..."

"I'm glad you like it." Sherlock said beaming.

"Here, let's get everything inside, then we can make a fire and enjoy the stars."

"Sounds wonderful."

After unpacking everything, you got out a warmer outfit, which consisted of your favorite pair of skinny jeans, an off-white t-shirt, and a forest green rain-jacket, witch wool lining. Putting on your huge, woolly socks and boots, you were ready to face the cold. Walking out of the cabin's master bedroom, you saw Sherlock in unusual apparel. He was in a giant, woolly jumper (he must have borrowed one from John) and jeans, with boots as well. You were more bewildered when you saw what was on his face...

"Are those.. glasses!?"

"Yes... I usually don't wear them, but I forgot to bring my other contacts... so... here they are."

"Well... they look rather sexy. You should wear them more often." You gave Sherlock a wink, making him blush. Walking over to you, Sherlock grabbed your hand and pulled you outside, where he already had a fire ablaze.

Sitting down with each other on the ground, next to the fire, you instantly cuddle up. Sherlock wrapped his arm around your shoulder, and dragged you down to where you were both laying on your backs. Taking the opportunity you rested your head on Sherlock's chest and wrapped your arm around his front. Sherlock took his free hand and placed it on top of yours, stroking it like he did on the car ride there.

"I've always loved coming out here. In the city, you cant see the stars as clearly, but when you're out here, they map out the whole sky. It's like they dance across the different values of dark blue, and beg for your attention, not caring what they have to do to get it... Too many people neglect what is right in-front of them."

"Mmm, that was beautiful."

"Just my thoughts, they're nothing special.... (Y/N)?"


"You know... I've always had this fantasy in the back of my head... that I would bring my children here, and my children's children, but I've never wanted that dream more than I do now. Now that I have you in my arms, and I know that you are mine and I am yours, I want that day-dream to become reality..."

"Well, one day Sherlock, it will come true... I pinkie-promise, but for now love, lets just enjoy each-others company and warmth."

"That sounds wonderful darling, truly wonderful..."

He kissed the top of your head and looked back at the stars.

You both hand many dreams and aspirations for your life together, but all you needed was each-others warmth and love to guide you through life. Come to think of it, the only dream you really had was to stay with Sherlock. You didn't care what life threw at you, as long as you had your stargazer near, you were going to be okay...

Sherlock x reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now