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Waking up was horrible today. The light that seeped in through your's and Sherlock's window gave you a headache, and the sound of London traffic made it worse. You were burning so badly it seemed as though you were at the gates of Hell itself, and you could only breathe through your mouth. You had deduced that you were sick... 

Sherlock taking notice to this before you even woke up was already in the kitchen 'making' soup (it was really Mrs. Hudson while he worked on one of his experiments quickly). When he heard a groan from the bedroom, he quickly stood from his stool and got a bowl of soup to bring to you. 

Walking in, the door squeaked which caused you to moan in an unpleasant way even more. Sherlock apologized profusely and went to sit down on the edge of the bed on your side. 

Sherlock nudged you gently, "(Y/N), sit up darling so I can feed you some soup. It's fresh, and your favorite.." 

"Mmmmmmmm" you moaned back. 

Finally complying after a few minutes, you sat up while Sherlock adjusted the pillows underneath you stealthily, because after all, he did have soup in his other hand. Comfortable enough, Sherlock proceeded to feed you. 

Once done with the soup, Sherlock got you some medicine and told you to take a nap. Right before Sherlock could leave, you hastily grabbed a hold of his wrist. 

"Please don't go." you muttered, almost like you were scared of his reply. 

Sherlock gently took your hand off his wrist and said, "Of course," and made his way to his side of the bed. Once he got under the covers, you slowly made your way over to him and balled up, almost fetal like, and was held in his warm embrace. He leaned down and kissed your forehead gently. 

"I love you darling. I hate seeing you like this. You're so lacking of the vibrant spirit that fills you and it depresses me, but know that no matter how you are, I will always love you." 

"Thank you love, and most importantly, thank you for taking care of me in my time of need, it is greatly appreciated and love you dearly for it.... I could go on and on, but you know, it hurts." 

Sherlock giggled at your little comment and kissed your temple. Sherlock slid down to where you were eye-level with each other, and pulled you even more against him, if even possible, and you both stayed there until the next morning. 

Thankfully, your little cold went away, but one thing was sure to never leave, and that was your beloved Sherlock. 

Sherlock x reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now