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They've haunted you for what seemed like a life time. The only things you can hear at night are the screams of innocent people. Sometimes there your screams even. It's hard to go on like this, most nights you just stay up and stare at the wall of 221B Baker Street and wonder if it will ever be any better. 

You're currently on the couch, with your knees to your chest, while you try to comfort yourself. Telling yourself you'll be okay, or they're just fake, but it never seems to work anymore. They may ease your mind for a second, but never for anymore time. 

You haven't slept in a good 48 hours and surprisingly someone hasn't noticed, or so you thought. 

It was true, Sherlock Holmes could see right through the protective barrier that we all put up. You could also see through his, I guess that's what made you both so compatible. 

The next thing you knew, you heard stirring coming from your shared bedroom, and the door gently open to reveal a disheveled Sherlock. 

"(Y/N), darling, is that you?"

"Lock, please go back to bed. You know you'll most likely have a case tomorrow and you need the sleep because once you've started 'the game' you won't rest until you finish." 

"I'm not going to bed until you come with me." 

"I'm not tired..." 

"(Y/N), I know you're tired, come with me, please." He was now right beside you on the couch, looking into your (E/C) eyes pleadingly. 

"I told you Sherlock, I'm not tired."

"Why do you insist on lying to me."

You now had tears in your eyes. trying to stop the flood gates from opening you whispered out a, "It's too painful to explain..." 

"Darling, you know you could've told me." Sherlock took you in his embrace and held you while you wept into his bare chest. He stroked you hair lovingly and told you everything was going to be okay, but the worst thing about him saying this, is that, that was what you were trying to convince yourself before he came in. 

After calming down a bit, and finally being able to talk you say, "Sherlock, I can't do this anymore... the nightmares are getting to be too much for me to handle, and they feel like they're eating me alive." 

"Oh, darling, I wish I could take your pain away, but believe it or not, I know how you feel. I was once, and still am plagued by those dreadful things, but as long as you're with me, they seem to go away. Please come to bed with me so I can at least try to ease the pain." 

"Okay Lock..." 

You and Sherlock traveled to your bedroom and quickly got under the covers and held each other once again. 

Moments later you piped up, "Sherlock, if you don't mind me asking, what are your nightmares about." 

"... They're filled with only one thing. It's not fire, nor is it death, it's the same scene over and over... it's you walking out the door of this apartment that we share, swearing to never come back. That thought is and would be the breaking point for me.... I love you more that words can ever express (Y/N), will you please promise to never leave me?" Sherlock now had tears on the verge of breaking loose. 

"Of course, I will stay with you forever, I promise. And I love you more than anything in this world, you make me happier everyday that I'm with you." 

You both finally fell asleep cuddled up to each other, and that was the first night neither of you had any nightmares. 

Sherlock x reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now