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Not many people knew, but when you live with Sherlock as more than just a friend, you come to find these things out.

No, it's nothing major, but when his clients and acquaintances see him, they're always graced with the image of him in a tidy, clean button-up and slacks.

The Sherlock I know is almost never, it seems, in that particular style. He's always lounging around in either a bed sheet, or sweater/sweatshirt, that he looks like he's used in multiple drug dens.

So, now that leads me back to this particularly fond memory I've had, just because it shows his more sentimental side because we all know how he can get...
It was chilling winter day, the sky was in sheets of somber grey and the fresh snow was lying on the ground, reflecting the sun in its morning wake.

I was currently tousled in bed sheets that I tried to use to barricade me from the ever growing cold that leaked through the walls of our flat.

While I reluctantly opened my eyes, being woken by the un-welcomed light that shone through the blinds, I realized that my ultimate source of heat was missing from my side.

Groggily sitting up, I soon regretted the action when a blast of freezing air hit my skin, making the goosebumps appear in record speeds. Deciding I was not going to be able to last long if I didn't do anything about it, I quickly retreated to the dresser with all of Sherlock's and my clothing.

Searching through the drawers, I found myself at a loss of things to wear, which was not good in my current situation, considering I was only wearing shorts and a thin t-shirt. Finally deciding to take extreme measures, I searched through Sherlock's drawers.

Luckily, I found what I was looking for. Pulling on his oversized sweatshirt, I was finally starting to warm up at a significant rate. Lastly, I put on some sweat pants of mine and quickly made my way down to the living area to see if I could find something, or someone, to withdraw the last remnants of cold left within me.

Seeing the mop of curly hair, I knew I was home free. Childishly, I ran up to him and quickly wrapped my arms around his waist and forced my face in his back, eliciting a small 'oomf' from him.

Sighing a breath of relief, to my delight, I heard a small chuckle emitted from my dear beloved. Turning around in my arms, he started to run his finger through my hair, and rested his head upon mine.

After moments of bliss, he abruptly lifted his head, making me look at him. With a quirked eyebrow he asked, "(Y/N), is that my sweatshirt you have on?"

"You're very observant my dear detective. I couldn't find anything else, and it's bloody freezing in this flat!"

"Well, I won't deny that you look absolutely adorable in my sweatshirt."

Chuckling, I was picked up, which only caused me to be even more elated. Wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my head on his shoulders, I let him guide us back to our room, where my short adventure had started not too long ago.

Setting me down on the bed, Sherlock quickly got under the duvet, pulling me with him. Pulling me as close as possible to him, I rested my head on his chest, while his finger curled the ends of my hair.

After a few minutes, the cold was back (probably due to the cold blankets), and I started to shiver.

"Oh, darling, are you cold?"

"Sherlock, do you really have to ask that question?" I said, giving him an 'are you kidding me' look.

Giving me a half smile, he started to rub my arm through the sleeve of his sweatshirt. Once again sighing in relief, I resumed my resting place on his chest and started to draw little patterns into his chest.

Once Sherlock knew I was warm, he pulled me completely on top of him. I wrapped my arms around his chest and hummed.

Sherlock started to run his finger through my head, and before I could fall into a quiet slumber (I love naps), he kissed my head and told me, "It needs to be cold all the time."

Now curious at this statement, I prolonged my nap to ask,"And why is that darling."

"Because, I love to see you in my sweatshirt."

Smiling at how cheesy he was, I could now fall into my peaceful sleep knowing that Sherlock will be my warmth through the freezing, long winter, whether it be through his sweatshirt or his love.

Sherlock x reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now