Big Girls Cry

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I may cry ruining my make-up/ Wash away all the things that you've taken/  And I don't care if I don't look pretty/ Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking.... 

You haven't stopped crying, not ever since the bastard had to leave you. Your dad left you this morning due to some illness he never told you about. You knew it was because he wanted to protect you but Why!? 

Now you're on the floor of 221B, crying until you can't anymore. You're pretty sure you are going to cry until you become sick, but "Why should I care!?" you thought. Assuming the fetal position, the only thing that was going through your head was the memories you used to share with your father. Having those pointless talks in the kitchen because all you wanted to do was talk, or those nights you would have where you both stayed up and you just ranted about the bitch  at school, and he would stand there and just listen because he genuinely cared about what you had to say. The only thing going through your head along with them was his last words.... " Hey, don't cry for me baby girl, just know I won't be in pain anymore." smiling, he faded away.... 

In the deepest state of sorrow now, you didn't realize that Sherlock walked in. Sherlock quickly noticing that you were crying  ran to your side. Grabbing and holding you, after a few minutes, he asked, "Hey, hey, what's wrong darling?" 

Still crying your eyes out, you caught your breath for a brief moment, "He's g-g-gone Sher-Sherlock.... a-and he's not c-coming back...." 

That being enough information for him, he quickly wrapped you up stronger in his arms, protecting you from anymore hurt, but you were pretty sure it couldn't get any worse than this. Being to weak to do anything with your extremities, you just stayed broken and frail in Sherlock's arms while he rocked you back and forth. 

Wanting to make you feel better, Sherlock leaned you back, still managing to hold you tightly enough, he looked into your tear stained eyes and smiled in sympathy. He quickly wiped the tears away with his thumbs, putting the strands that stuck to your face back in place, and kissed your nose, then proceeded to rest his head on yours. Finally he spoke up softly, "Hey, why don't we go try to get some sleep?..." Again, being to weak, you just nodded in agreement. 

Sherlock knowing that you would be too weak to even walk, picked you up and carried you to the room you both shared. Laying you down, he didn't even bother changing, he just tore off his shoes and coat and went to comfort you. Getting in bed, he pulled you to him, you could now find enough strength to hug Sherlock back. You pressed your head into Sherlock's chest, never wanting to let go because you didn't want to lose another person, especially in the same day. 

You were now calm enough to thank Sherlock, though it came out as broken and shaken as you were. Sherlock quickly responded... "Shhhh, don't thank me darling, just rest... I love you and I will never let you go, remember that." 

Pulling you under the duvet with him, Sherlock rubbed your back, kissed your forehead one last time, and you both fell into a slumber, hoping tomorrow was going to be a brighter day. 

Never underestimate women, we will stand up for what's right, we can play any role a man can, but don't you dare  think for one second that big girl's don't cry. 

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