Pain is Temporary

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Almost everyday began with the sickening feeling of being alive in the world that you were forced to be in. Most days you would just wallow in despair and pray to any God that could hear you for the pain to stop. Others, you would cry until your inner well would dry up, of course you made sure every drop was gone before you stopped officially. You didn't cut yourself, no, you just sat in the loneliness, letting every bit consume your soul until you couldn't bare it anymore.

It finally all changes one fateful day when your best-friend, (BF/N), decided to ask you out for lunch because it had been a while since you have both seen each other.

Gathering all the strength you could muster, you put on your best casual clothes and headed to Speedy's Cafe, where your friend decided to take you. Since it was only five minutes away from your flat you decided to walk the way and save some money for the lunch.

Once arriving at Speedy's, you immediately saw (BF/N) and quickly ran up and hugged her/him. (BF/N) was one of the only people that could bring out your true smile, instead of the facade you put on for your employers/co-workers.

"How have you been!?" she/he said enthusiastically, also excited to see you again. Scared to reply truthfully because you didn't want to come across needy you just replied with "Fine... and you?"

"Oh, you know, the usual. I just moved in with my new boyfriend!"

"Oh my gosh! That's wonderful!" even though you were truly ecstatic for you best-friend, you were jealous because she had someone to fill the void that you couldn't help but to feel 24/7.

After a few minutes of (BF/N) going on about her apartment, there was an ominous figure you couldn't help but to notice walk into the shop and sit in the corner. The man stared at you, almost like he was trying to figure you out, and you weren't sure, but you would have sworn you saw sympathy fill his eyes.

He unexpectedly got up and walked over to where you and your friend were sitting, and introduced himself to you.

"Hello, my name is Sherlock Holmes. Would you be ever so kind to tell me your name?"

"(Y/N) (L/N), it's nice to meet you Sherlock Holmes."

"I'm sorry for interrupting you luncheon, I just couldn't help myself from coming over. You seem like an enigma, and I like enigmas."

You were now slightly blushing and your best-friend knew what to do next. "Well, (Y/N), I'll leave you with this lovely Sherlock Holmes. Call me, I do worry sometimes. See ya later!"

"Bye..." you would've said more if it wasn't for the man in front of you. After your friend officially left, Sherlock wasted no time to take her place.

"(Y/N), I know this is really early, but can I take you to my flat and we can chat. I just live right upstairs practically."

You knew you shouldn't have, being this Sherlock is practically a stranger, but you couldn't help yourself.

In his flat, 221B I believe, were many strange things, but you didn't mind, you found it interesting. He asked you if you wanted anything to drink and you sweetly declined while you sat on his couch, where he offered a seat. Sherlock quickly sat next to you and looked into your (E/C) eyes. Once again, you saw that look that made him look like he was trying to figure out a puzzle.

"(Y/N), I know we've only just met, and these circumstances are quite odd, but I can't help but to like you. See, no-one has made me feel this way before, and when I ask you this, I don't mean to pry into your personal life I.... just feel like I need to ask."

"Go ahead Sherlock, I'll try not to be offended." you smirked a little at your reply.

"Well, (Y/N), why do you feel as lonely as you do?...." your face dropped and tears were threatening to spill. You weren't mad, you, just in a strange way, felt like someone finally understood what you were going through.

Without answering his question, you embraced him, wrapping your arms around his neck, and berrying your head in the nape of his neck.

Sherlock being brought back by this action was stiff at first, but he quickly embraced you as well and let you cry into his neck. He didn't know why he felt like he should do this, but it seemed fitting because finally, he found someone to fill the void.

After you were done crying, you leaned back a little and stared into Sherlock's eyes, "Thank you so much, and to answer your question.... I just don't feel as though someone loves me..."

"Well, (Y/N), I believe i can be that person if you let me."

Once again you didn't answer with words, you just pulled him in another embrace. Sherlock leaned back and gently pulled you into his lap. You now had your head lying on his shoulder, and Sherlock kissed your forehead gently while he wrapped his arms around your waist. Lying his head gently upon yours, you both stayed there until you fell in a light slumber. You finally went to sleep not feeling like you were alone, thanking the God that finally answered your prayers.

You now understood that no matter how much it hurts, pain is always and forever will be just a temporary feeling.

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