Chapter III Chastised🔞

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Warning ⚠️:Sexual abuse 18+

"Pete, have you seen my ID?"

"No, where did you put it?"

"Huh? I remember it was in my pocket..."

Porsche rummaged around in his schoolbag and pockets for a long time but couldn't find his ID card. He was anxiously thinking that he still had to find time to get a replacement when he heard someone calling him at the door.

"Porsche! Someone is looking for you!"

After leaving the classroom, a beautiful girl with a ponytail stood in the corridor. Her name was Vita. She was the girl who went to the Art Department to watch a performance last time and handed out flyers to Porsche and the others. After that, she took the initiative to contact Porsche.

Porsche thinks that the girl should have a crush on him, and he feels good about chatting occasionally, but the two of them have not made it clear yet.

"Senior, are you free on Friday? I want to ask you a favor."

"Oh? What are you busy with? Tell me."

Porsche leaned against the wall with his pockets inserted, looking tenderly at the cute girl in front of him

"We recently had a human body assignment, and the teacher asked us to find a suitable model. I thought of you. Senior, can you come to the class and be a model for us? Please."

Vita pouted and clasped her hands together in a coquettish manner, while Porsche smiled helplessly.

"Are you sure I can do it? Aren't the painting models in your art department very demanding?"

Vita put her hands behind her back and smiled shyly

"Of course, I can tell at a glance that the senior has a great figure."

Porsche pretended to be embarrassed and frowned, touching his chin and thinking for a while.

"Hmm... That's it. Then I'll reluctantly agree. In return, it's not too much to invite you to have dinner with me."

Vita's eyes flashed and she nodded happily.

"Of course, I'll invite the seniors then."

The summer wind blew the girl's skirt, and her swaying ponytail and sweet voice were like a small hook in a Porsche. Looking at the girl's youthful and lively back, he thought that maybe he could try to confess next time.

The classrooms of the Art Department are full of artistic atmosphere. The literary and artistic atmosphere is different from that of the Performance Department. The smell of turpentine and paper, various abstract and realistic paintings hanging on the walls, exaggerated color combinations, Rough lines, random splashes of ink, various paints are messily placed in the classroom, marble plaster statues and various skulls have been worn and worn.

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