Chapter VIII Too Close Yet Too Far

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    The light was on in the room, which was very bright, but it couldn't drive away the darkness in his heart. Porsche leaned on the bedside with a dull expression, letting Kinn hold his hand.


    The sound of clicking sounded regularly. Kinn took the nail clippers and carefully trimmed Porsche's nails. His expression was more serious than when he was painting.


    "Brother's fingernails are too long. If you don't cut them, you'll easily scratch yourself."


    Porsche glanced at him with cold eyes and said nothing. He didn't understand why he hadn't gone crazy yet and was still so clear-headed.


    The broken leg was covered with a plaster. Porsche thought that maybe his left leg would never be able to run or jump normally in the future, because he always thought about the bird that flew away, and only by breaking its wings would he be honest.


    Kinn blew on the nail clippers, put them away in the cabinet, turned off the light, and lay down with Porsche in his arms. Since Porsche broke his leg, he has comes to take care of Porsche personally every night recently, hugging him to rest together.


    In the darkness, only the sound of the second hand of the clock could be heard quietly. Porsche opened his eyes and couldn't fall asleep for a long time. Kinn's embrace was very strong and warm. Normally, it would make people feel safe, but he feels like he couldn't get rid these shackles.


    After the extreme sadness and resentment, there is a numb calm. Recently, Porsche can even think calmly and speculate on the relationship and psychology between the two.


    Putting aside those heinous behaviors, Kinn’s extremely crazy love is not fake. Everyone longs to be loved and hopes to be unique and irreplaceable in the eyes of their lover.


    Porsche had imagined before that there would be someone who loved him deeply and would never leave him again. He didn't ask for much. He had gone through hardships in the first half of his life and lost everyone he loved. He didn't ask for great wealth, he only hoped that one day Can live a peaceful life.


    But the appearance of Kinn broke all this, and changed everything. The person who loved him forever was also the person who hurt him the most.


    Porsche feels that it is not a question of men and women, but that they are from two different worlds. Kinn keeps trying to tear down the wall between them, but the result is that the wall is getting higher and higher. As long as he has a bit of rationality, he will never fall in love with Kinn.


    "Brother, can't you sleep?"


    Kinn asked softly from behind Porsche. Porsche closed his eyes and did not answer. Kinn was silent for a few seconds and continued to ask.


    "Brother, do you regret it? If you hadn't helped me in that alley, I might have died a long time ago, and you wouldn't have been entangled by me."

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