Brother Porsche, I'm here to take you Home

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    The windows in the hospital corridor were open, a chilly wind was blowing, and the switch box was buzzing regularly every three seconds. The dim green light was flickering, perhaps because of the unstable voltage.


    Porsche broke out in a cold sweat. He looked at Kinn who was blocking the stairs, got up from the ground in a panic, turned around and ran up the stairs.


    17…18…19…20…The floors are getting higher and higher. Porsche feels a sharp pain in his left leg. Kinn’s slow steps are always behind him. The high stairs seem to have no end. Porsche can hear his own heavy and hoarse breathing in his ears. He feels like he is trapped in a loop and can never get out.


    His mind began to become confused. Was he still alive? Was all this real or an illusion? Was it hell or the human world? Was the kinn behind him a living person or a lingering ghost?


    On the 28th floor, Porsche suddenly pushed open the door in front of him, his vision brightened, a strong wind made his thin clothes rustle, he was already at the rooftop.


    "Brother, where are you going?"


    Kinn's eerie voice came from behind, and Porsche ran forward in panic, trying to find a place to escape.


    It was cold on the roof, the wind blew away the chaos in Porsche's mind, the view was broad, the sky seemed very close, the whole city under the night sky was in sight, the lights were bright but there was no place that was his home.


    Porsche stood on the edge of the fence, with the abyss under his feet. He had nowhere to escape.


    "Brother! What are you doing! Come back!"


    Kinn's roar came from behind, Porsche turned around in fear and saw Kinn standing not far from him. He seemed to have lost weight, his shirt seemed a little loose, and in the night, one could see the blue beard on the chin of that always neat and tidy man.


    Porsche couldn't help but think of the pitiful little boy in his dream when he was unconscious. His thoughts were somewhat detached. The complex emotions made him fall into a trance and he murmured




    "Brother, come to good..."


    Kinn stretched out his hand and took a step forward slowly with a gentle tone. At this moment, Porsche seemed to come to his senses suddenly, and took another step back while yelling.


    "Don't come over here!"


    The stones under my feet slid down from the edge of the balcony. Porsche's voice was hoarse and unpleasant, like a violin in the hands of a beginner. A thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead due to the pain in his neck.


    Kinn hurriedly stopped, raised his hands and shouted


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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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