Chapter V What If I Say I Like You?

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    Porsche has not been sleeping well recently. He feels that he has always been a very tolerant person, but he is always extremely afraid of things with strange powers and chaos.


    Ever since he witnessed mook's tragic death last time, he has fallen into a state of panic. The bloody scene lingered in his mind. When he closed his eyes at night, he seemed to see mook covered in blood and dragging his intestines. He walked towards him and asked him why he provoked him, why he let himself die so miserably, why...


    The fallen eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes, hanging on the deformed and hollow eye sockets. White thread-like substances were sticky and dripping down. The corpse exuded a putrid smell, and wriggling maggots were constantly emerging from the black and rotten parts. Dropped to the ground…


    "Don't come over! Don't... don't come over! Ah!"


    Porsche screamed and woke up from his dream. An excitement hurt his foot. He gasped loudly and lay on the bed for a long time as if exhausted. He looked up at the clock and saw it was two fifteen in the morning.


    It has been several days, and I have this kind of nightmare whenever I fall asleep. The most terrifying thing is that besides mook, there are invisible figures in the dream who keep touching him from behind, as if there are countless hands locking him in place. He could only face the horrifying scene.


    Porsche put on his slippers, walked to the cabinet, opened the drawer and rummaged around. He had prescribed some sleeping pills for severe insomnia in the early years, but he gradually stopped taking them, but there was still a lot of pills left. .


    He picked one out and drank it with warm milk, then Porsche lay back on the bed.


    The car that hit and killed Mook was determined to have malfunctioned after investigation, and it was not known how to deal with it later. Everyone thought that Mook's father would not let it go, but this incident surprisingly did not cause any splash, and it happened quietly. Calm down.


    Porsche turned over and rested his hand on his pillow. He thought of Kinn's indifferent behavior that day. The feeling of disobedience was very strong. He was shocked by Kinn's insensitivity to human life, but he didn't know what to say. After all, maybe it was just It’s just that people’s ability to accept it is relatively strong.


    Tossing and turning, sleepiness gradually came over him. Before falling into sleep, Porsche secretly prayed that he could sleep until dawn.


    The room was silent, and the sound of the clock hands clicking was repeated regularly. On the bed, Porsche was sleeping deeply with his mouth slightly pouted. The door lock turned, and with a faint creaking sound, a dark figure pushed the door open.


    He took off his shoes, his feet making no sound on the floor, and walked slowly towards the bedroom.


    Kneeling gently on the ground, the man gently held Porsche's feet that were placed on the bedside. The feet were beautiful, not as rough and wide as those of ordinary men, but rather slender and thin because they were not exposed to the sun for a long time. The sun is therefore fairer.

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