Chapter IV Brother I'm sick

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    Birds were chirping outside the window. The sun was about three o'clock in the sky. The sun shone through the window screen on the bed. Porsche was half lying on the bed with the quilt between its long legs, sleeping soundly. Someone's car downstairs suddenly sounded the alarm. , he frowned impatiently, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and his rusty brain gradually started to work. What day of the week is it today? what time is it?


    "Depend on!"


    Porsche suddenly jumped up from the bed, grabbed the alarm clock on the table, and took a closer look to see that it was already past 11 noon. He rubbed his messy hair and tried to remember what he had done yesterday.


    I went to the art department to work as a model, and my clothes were stained by Kinn, and then I had dinner with Kinn, and then...




    Porsche patted his head, which was aching from a hangover. He couldn't remember what happened after the video was cut off. Was it Kinn who sent him home? What did they say next? Why aren't the sheets the same as yesterday?


    Porsche put the alarm clock back in its place and suddenly found a note on the table that said


    "Senior Porsche, you drank too much yesterday, so I took you home and washed the bed sheets you vomited on. Don't worry, I will ask for leave from school for you. Have a good rest."


    Porsche breathed a sigh of relief, silently grateful to Kinn for his thoughtfulness.


    He stood up and walked to the bathroom, but felt that his butt was burning and hurting inexplicably. He lowered his head and looked at his lower body. It was very dry and his underwear was well worn. Could it be that he fell down after drinking too much yesterday?


    There was really no memory in his brain that was down. He only vaguely remembered that he had a bunch of messy dreams last night. Porsche shook his head helplessly, gave up the struggle, and trotted to the bathroom to drain the water in his slippers.


    On Monday, as soon as Porsche arrived at school, he was surrounded by a few people from Job, looking at their gossipy faces without knowing why. "Porsche, something big has happened since you haven't been here these two days!"


    "What's the big deal? fail the class again!?"


    "Hey, no, look..."


    Job took out his mobile phone and opened the school forum network. There were densely packed posts discussing the big accident that happened in the art department last weekend.


    "In the middle of the night when you went to model for the art department, a studio suddenly caught fire for no apparent reason. It is said that all the paintings inside were burned, and the security department even dispatched fire engines."


    "What! No one was hurt!"


    Porsche became nervous. He looked through the photos on the forum and suddenly discovered that the classroom where the fire broke out was the one he went to that day. Thinking that Vita and Kinn were both in this class, he didn't know if they were injured.

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