Chapter VI I'll Follow You Through The Path Through The Hell

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"Haha! Brother! Come and catch me."

The little bear in the music box rotates to the song of "Jingle bells", the snowflakes in the crystal ball float and fall, and the cute little boy with a silly mushroom head is running on the grass. This boy is no one else. , it is Porsche's younger brother, Che.

"Brother, come here quickly! There is a snail here!"

The sweet milky voice was full of innocence. Looking at the younger brother in front of him, Porsche's eyes were hot. Just as he was about to walk over, a taller boy passed through his body and ran towards Bo Che. That boy was a child. of himself.

Porsche turned around and saw his father standing on the steps with his mother in his arms, looking happily at Bo Che and himself playing in the garden, while his uncle came in from the gate with a large bag of food in his hand. , Che and he happily greeted him as soon as they saw him.

The familiar house, the familiar yard, the familiar people. Porsche stood there in a daze, looking at it all, with a smile of gratitude and joy, tears unconsciously falling from his eyes.

He stepped forward, looking at his lost and found relatives without blinking, wanting to engrav them firmly in his mind. As soon as he stretched out his hand to touch them, the scene changed in an instant.

The piercing siren, the blood on the ground, the two corpses covered with white cloth, the crying Che and his uncle, Porsche backed away in disbelief. He saw his young self persistently trying to lift the white cloth, and was filled with huge fear in his heart. drown


Porsche roared desperately, and the scene was distorted again. Che was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face. His young self sat beside the bed with bruises on the corners of his mouth, holding Bo Che's hand tightly. The weak child said to him

"Brother, I'm sorry."

" Che!  Che!"

The picture gradually blurred, Porsche cried and threw himself on the hospital bed, but the scene changed instantly. He was standing in a completely dark space, a man's distorted laughter echoed around, and the black shadow that had appeared countless times in his dreams slowly moved toward him. He approaches.

Porsche was frightened, turned around and ran forward, but no matter how he ran, the black shadow kept following behind him, unable to see clearly and unable to get rid of it.

Porsche looked behind him nervously, but bumped into someone while running. He staggered backward. The man in front of him was emaciated. He raised his head, his weathered cheeks were sunken, his eyes were dark, pitiful and scary. Who else could it be but his uncle Ferry?

Ferry opened his mouth stiffly, and the resentful and shrill voice seemed to come directly from his abdomen.

"porsche...I am your uncle, why are you doing this to me!"

He raised his hands. There was no finger on both hands, and the bare bones were exposed. As he moved, the pieces of broken flesh twitched and oozed blood.

Porsche kept retreating in fear, and bumped into the tall figure with his back. He turned his head, and the black figure in the mist gradually became clearer and became more familiar. That face... that face...


Porsche gasped sharply and woke up from his dream. He broke out in a cold sweat. The moment he opened his eyes, he saw an unfamiliar roof. The dim lamp glowed red. His brain was like a rusted bearing. Creaking and hard turning.

Where is this place? What's up with him? Why here? What happened before you fell asleep?

Porsche wanted to raise his hands to sit up from the bed, but when he moved, he realized that his limbs were tied to the bed in a large shape. He pulled the rope hard to break free, but no matter how hard he tried, it was to no avail.

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