Chapter IX Brother We're Same Now

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    In the evening, after washing up, Porsche sat on the bedside and read a book. He didn't pay much attention to the name of the book. Kinn seemed to be busy recently and spent less time here. Perhaps he was afraid that Porsche would be too bored by himself. , showed great mercy and sent him some books.


    In the early years, Porsche went through wind and rain and never read any books seriously. He thought that he was just an ordinary person after all, busy with the daily necessities and running around for money. The life of drinking coffee and reading quietly was not for him.


    This world has never been fair. Everyone comes into this world crying. Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouths and enjoy a life of luxury, while some people are unfortunate and have a life of toil all their lives.


    Leafing through the book, the smell of new ink came out as the papers turned. The book tells the different lives of two men.


    A poor family born at the bottom of the family lives in a dilapidated courtyard. They live with chickens, ducks, cats and dogs all day long. They wear washed and worn clothes, eat roasted black potatoes, and hold wooden sticks with a group of wild children. He was wallowing in the mud. Although he was poor, his family was very loving and harmonious, which gave him an unruly and free-spirited character.


    The other one was born in an upper-class family. His parents are both social elites. He lives in a three-story villa, wears a custom-made silk suit, eats pasta and steak, learns piano etiquette every day, and behaves elegantly, but everyone around him is being very cold and treating him as a commodity to show off makes him withdrawn and stubborn.


    These two completely different people met by chance, just like a bird in the sky and a mouse in the ground. They were full of curiosity and confusion about each other, but they also yearned for it.


    Poor people envy rich people. It is great to have money, nobility and enjoyment. As long as you have money, you will have no worries and all problems will be solved.


    Rich people also envy poor people. No matter how much money they have, they still have no freedom, no love, and life is so tiring every day. If they can be more free and can control their own lives, then there is nothing wrong with being poor.


    One day, by accident, their souls and lives were exchanged, and they lived the life they had always dreamed of. But the novelty did not last long, and they began to complain and feel dissatisfied again.


    It turned out that the life they had always envied was not easy, and was full of ups and downs. But whether it was harder before or now, they themselves couldn't tell.


    Porsche looked at the words in the book and his thoughts drifted away. He thought that people may be dissatisfied. Everyone will always be more envious of other people's lives, and will always regret not making another choice, because they always think that at the moment, Just the worst.


    But what exactly is the right choice and how to define it? If he hadn't passed by that alley and didn't help Kinn, what would have been the fate of the two of them?

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