hai!! hello!!

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Haii!! I hope everyone is doing well!!!

[This isnt a update- ite just an explanation for why i left :)]

So some of us may know thay i left wattpad due to reasons, and that reason being rhat i wanted to focus on art and work on an original story. (Qnd not because i left the dandom or grew out of it! Im still in the fandom and am working on a next gen story!! Its just rhay i havent published it yet)

Well, after 4 yeats of leaving, i finally did it :D

You can find mt webtoon here:

But i really want to thank everyone who supported me here, for giving me the confidence to work on stories, and in art. Without wattpad, ill be nowhere.

May the jaya be wirh you!!!
- your queen of jaya :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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