change of plans

36 10 15

Ok , so I have anger issue problems . My younger sisters reached my last nerves , and they got it !  I ain't playing with legos with them ! Anymore ! Not j. A billion years !

Now , I need to control my anger ... urgh ... and they are fighting behind me ! I just sjdbhfjeb

Yup , that's my anger ! I start screaming, punching stuffs..... and God I get angry EXTREMELY easily just one tiny thing , and poof I get angry.

And I can't control it , but just yell ... which is always Cause of my younger sisters , if it is cause of my parents , i can control it , cause of my older sisters ... I kinda can't control it ... we just have a little mouth fight , and I always add a joke to change both of our minds...

Ahh ! Anyone knows how I can smoothen down my anger ???!!!!

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